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HELP!!! I have a major decision...


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umm... ok


there is this guy named corey and he has been thorough a really hard time from deaths in his family to living with an abusive father. well anyways he is the sweetest guy in the world and he really really likes me. i like him too except for one thing, my best friend used to really like him and now doesn't liek him anymore but doesn't want anyone else to go out with him. (which i think is selfish)


so should i go for him because all i want is for him to be happy, since he has gone through so many hard times, or stay best friends with her?????



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i tend to do the same thing, fall for people who i think need love. but it's hard sometimes and you have to be prepared for problems that may come up. i guess it's like that with any relationship though. i know this kinda goes against the school politics view, but i think if your best friend doesn't like corey anymore, and you do...that if you guys get together she should be happy for you. that's how best friends are supposed to treat each other. she should want to see you happy. if she gets mad or drops you as a friend if you go out with him...it sounds like she wasn't a very good friend in the first place. just make sure that she doesn't really like him and is just afraid to say it. she could see it as a personal attack against her. people are crazy, just be careful but realize that you have the right to be happy. so does corey. make sure you like him for who he is and not just because you think *someone* should love him. friends can love each other also. good luck, i hope it works out for you.



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Reegan, I was shocked by reading your message. Thinking, Does this happen in real life? So you are going to date or love a guy who your best friend points out. You want to live your life or her life? What kind of Controlling friendship is this? ("If i don't like him, you shouldn't either") You are trying to be an another example of people-pleaser. Take your decision independent of others. If you like it, do it. Don't live others life. It is good to consult others. But decision should be based on your likings not others likings.


"now doesn't like him anymore but doesn't want anyone else to go out with him. (which i think is selfish)"


What kind of cruel thinking person is your friend? What is her problem if he goes out with someone or not? If i were to you, i would do what i like and feel right for me. I would not listen to anybody in this world including my parents and the GOD. Don't let others to control you or manipulate you through relationship.


Better validate your friendship



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