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I have a problem. The woman of my dreams has a serious drug problem.


She claims that she can beat this, but I have my doubts. It seems to have escalated in the past few months. I put a down payment on a very expensive engagement ring last July, and have been paying on it ever since then.


On one occasion, I did not have the time to run and make the payement, so I asked her to do it for me. Instead of making the payement, she spent that money on her habbit. To make matters worse, she lied to me about it.


She tells me that I need to be patient with her, and she tells me that she really does love me. We have been going out for almost a year, and until recently, I was very happy with her.


Dumping this person is not an option for me. Love is about commitement and understanding. I am just looking for advice I guess.


Also, her habbit has changed her personality. She gets hostile very easily, and she treats me terribly now.

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I know this is a hard thing to talk about and I think it's great that you are looking for help. Is she being treated for her addiction(s)? Some people truly can't help themselves when it comes to drugs and alcohol. If she isn't being helped by a professional, the best thing you can do for her is get her some support. As much as your love and support may help her, sometimes it's just too hard for people. It sounds like you are very patient and you will definitely need to be if she is trying to quit, but it's her life we are talking about, not a bad habit. Do as much as you can for her but make sure you are getting the love and support you need also. It's a hard decision she has to make about her life, but luckly it IS possible.


Bonne chance, take care..




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