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My boyfriend and I are addicts he just broke up with me

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My boyfriend and I met in rehab and stayed with one another for 5 months,the realationship was very intense. I relapsed one time after almost 5 months sobriety and my boyfriend broke up with me he says it wasnt the relaspe but that I was getting to possesive now he says we need to both get healthy and hes a dead beat and I am better off without him he wont say he doesnt love me and we wont say he does he says I told you that doesnt just go away. He says it doesnt matter that we love eachother and that we cant get back together. He says we both need to concentrate on our sobriety. I agree but he wont even talk to me. We have been broken up for 3 weeks. A week before I relapsed and he broke it off we were talking about a future and he even wrote me the most beautiful love letter for Valentines signing it true love with his name I just dont understand how it is so easy for him to not talk to me,we run into eachother at AA meetings and he leaves quickly after the meeting and says he cant talk to me now. I am taking this very hard he wont even answer my calls. How can a person act like they love you and cant live without you one day and then the next want nothing to do with you.:lmao:

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