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feeling really conflicted

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six years ago, i met this girl, and we ended up being really good friends, but a year after that somehow or another i lost all means of contacting her. during that period of time, i began to realize that i seemed to have other feelings for her. then 3 years ago, i ended up meeting her again by chance, and we managed to pick up our friendship from where we left it.


i want to tell her i want to be more than just friends, but she likes my best friend. he told her that he just treats her as a friend, but i can tell she still likes him, and i feel somewhat obligated to help bring them together. what do i do?

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If you have been friends for that long, you are probably in the friendzone. Do not help her get involved with your best friend.... if anything, that puts you in the friend zone even more.... Personally, I would just move on and open yourself up to other possibilities. Just remember: you're too great to be put as second..... you have everything that your best friend has (if not more)..... another girl will realize that and will not let you go.

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Ditto what Charlotte said. Involving yourself in the set up with your friend will only break your heart. You could tell her how you feel to get it off your chest, but don't expect a mutual response if she likes your friend. At that point you should move on to dating others. good luck.

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