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Can a man tell if you like/love them?

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I think I hide my feelings from my roommate pretty well, but what if I don't? What if in our few moments of affection (hugging or patting on the back at the most) or when I look into his eyes, is it possible he can see through me? He knows I'm single and lonely cuz he rarely sees me date, due to my busy schedule. Surely he has at least wondered about my feelings.?..especially cuz he knew I once had those feelings many years ago for him...


Do men look for it, or is it right over their heads no matter what?

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Dive in Don't be scared. Lately ive been like ..man u only live once..we all gonna die so I just dive in lol who cares?


Being a male myself I get mixed signals from chicks when I look em in eyes or they touch me , pokin my ribs, crackin sexual jokes etcc All I know is its not nice to tease lol friggin tell me woman stop playin about ..thats how I want it.

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Dive in Don't be scared. Lately ive been like ..man u only live once..we all gonna die so I just dive in lol who cares?


Being a male myself I get mixed signals from chicks when I look em in eyes or they touch me , pokin my ribs, crackin sexual jokes etcc All I know is its not nice to tease lol friggin tell me woman stop playin about ..thats how I want it.



If only it was that easy...this is my roommate and friend...what if I dive in and make a total idiot of myself? We're stuck living together! But believe me, I constantly think about just laying a big fat wet one on him...I wonder how he'd react...?

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While dating your room mate isn't that good of an idea, you should not make the first step. If the dude was into you, he'd make a move even a small one. And apparently from your message, he hasn't really done anything. But those hugs and stuff is weird considering you are a room mate. Usually if that were to happen to me, I'd see that as romantic overtures and if I was into you, i'd bump it up myself.

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If u lay a big wet one on him I GUARANTEE he won't push you away. Its better to know than to not know and wonder , right? Don't constantly think about it .. do something subtle to him and see how he reacts.

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If u lay a big wet one on him I GUARANTEE he won't push you away. Its better to know than to not know and wonder , right? Don't constantly think about it .. do something subtle to him and see how he reacts.



What's an example of "subtle"? Would you consider a big wet one subtle!

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Compliment him . It lets him know ya checking him out. Pokin in ribs playfully, ask him to go watch a movie, go out for a drink? cuz u know people will reveal their true feelings when drunk lol ..give him a lil ass pinch while hes tipsy and see how he likes that.


A recently divorced woman at my work has been doing that to me lately ..always pokin me in the ribs from behind then lookin at me as she walks by with a huge smile on her face. Im a bit like u in a way..im hidin my feelings for her at the moment ..then again she just did come outta a 8 yr marriage lol gotta take things slow.


If all else fails u can come live in Australia and I'll date ya loll

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It really depends on the guy... some guys seem to pick up on things pretty well, and others are just plain dense when it comes to women hitting on them. I have a lot of male friends, and there are times when I can see that a girl is totally into them and they're like "Nah, really? No, she was just being nice" and no matter what I say they just can't see it...


I don't know your guy friend, so I can't really tell you if he is one way or the other. All I can say is due to the delicate nature of the situation I would say take it slow and see what happens. If it was a case of nothing to lose I'd say go for it... but you do have to live with the guy... so yeah, take it one step at a time and save the big wet one until you are a little more confident in his feelings... maybe he'll make the first move : )

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Well Realness my roommate does not drink, he hasn't in many years because he abused alcohol when he was younger. And I've complimented him on a few occasions. But I don't over do it (since he's just a "roommate").


Someone mentioned that it doesnt seem like he's tried anything, but at times I've thought was trying something, very subtly anyway. So subtle though that I didn't take it seriously. Like once when I said I was cold he said "that's cuz you need someone to hold you"...junk like that...when we first moved in, he was "accidentally" brush up close to me..but that all stopped after a while, cuz I didn't respond without knowing what it really meant. Hugs aren't weird for us though because we've known each other many years. What's weird are those rare occasions when we're home alone at night, on the couch together, sometimes even sharing a blanket but still not sitting close to each other...it's torterous...


But we recently argued because he went out all night while me and his teenage kids were at home. I argued it's not right to put me in that position, but still thinks its ok. since he's just a phone call away. We never came to a compromise about it. Since then he's been extra sweet to me, like the other day he offered to get me water while he was in the kitchen...he's never done that before....I milk it up, and it was sweet of him, I just wonder if he's kissing my butt because he feels bad or because he doesn't wanna lose his financial partner and "babysitter" when the lease is up.


I'm so confused.

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