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Need some advice!


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I have been dating my love off and on for three years now...i am 18 and he is fixing to turn 19...i love him so much...but he can not do the little things that matter...he works 5 days a week and right now we decided to leave each other alone and let go...well we have done this before but it never worked because we couldn't get over each other...but he would do little things that would hurt me...like with other girls..(not sex)...but i never did..yes i went out on dates but nobody got my attention....but i know he loves...i have no doubt about that...he has went 5 months before with out talking to me and then he calls me and tells me he loves me and misses me....the last time he went three months and then he called and told me the same thing..we never have no real reason why we call it off...in my heart i don't want too...and i know he doesn't either..but pride kicks and he will not over come that....right now it has been 2 weeks and he hasn't even tried to call me.....how can someone no you are hurting and not even show they care??? i have hurt so much in the past...he has never realized how much he has hurt me...i know he will call again and say the same thing....but i don't want to give in to him...i want to be able to get off the phone and not cry my self to sleep....why do i have to feel this way??? we both love each other very much and i don't for see myself wanting anyone else...i try to convince myself that i do but in the end i can't....has anyone ever been through this????

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Hi.. i went through that with my last boyfriend. It's the worst pain in the world because everything is so uncertain. You need to tell him to make a decision. Either you're together or you're not, he cannot just keep you hanging by a thread, waiting and wondering what will happen. I know it'll be tough, but you might have to be strong and let him go. If it's meant to be- you'll end up back together in the end with no doubts whatsoever. Best of luck

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