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Asking my friend's sister on a date

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Alright, there's this girl at school that I really like who is my friend's younger sister. Just recently one of her friends told me that she likes me also :love: . I'm not sure what I should do now. I want to ask her on a date, but I'm not sure how I should go about doing so and if I should tell her brother (my friend) first.

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I would probably tell the brother first.... and then go on from there...... once the brother knows, ask her out and see how it goes.... good luck!

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Island Girl

Definitely mention it to the brother. Or you'll risk your friendship.


And realize that if you go out with the sister, and things don't work out, it could get uncomfortable.


If she breaks it off, you'll be forced to see her with other guys when you hang out with your friend.

If you break it off, it could lead to drama when you are hanging out with your friend.


If it works out you don't have to worry about any of this but go into it with your eyes open.

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Tell her brother you have thought of asking out his sister, but you want to make sure its cool with him first. Chances are, if he's a good friend and sees you as a good friend as well, he will be happy for you two and tell you to go for it...

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I agree, you should tell your friend first. I got into a big mess with my best friend when I decided to date her cousin. I told her I liked him (not that I wanted to date him, or was going too). I spent time with him without telling her and she found out about it from a mutual friend.


Long story short, if your friend means a lot to you make sure he knows you are interested in his sister.


If I could go back in time-- I would tell my best friend that I was going on a date with him and ask if she is ok with us being a couple.


If he is a good friend he will probably say he is ok with it. It will just be really hard when you need a friend to talk to about ur gf, you can't really complain to her brother!!



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I see nothing but trouble in this. You are just thrilled by the fact that the girl likes you. Be adviced, that friends are hard to come by, while the world is full of women.

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