a4a Posted March 13, 2007 Share Posted March 13, 2007 Women...... yes you frigid women who are treated well by your spouse.... you know who you are. For cripes sake meet your husbands needs and give him sex. Suck the weiner, ride him like a pony. You expect flowers, hugs, fidelity...... and what are you giving? You really expect him to plan things, spend hours being a great husband and you cannot give him 5 frickin' moments of pleasure? I put this here because it is about meeting needs...... not just sex. Link to post Share on other sites
alphamale Posted March 13, 2007 Share Posted March 13, 2007 why do these broads need to go the extra mile when they are already getting everything they want? Link to post Share on other sites
tanbark813 Posted March 13, 2007 Share Posted March 13, 2007 Word! Less whining, more f**king. Link to post Share on other sites
Author a4a Posted March 13, 2007 Author Share Posted March 13, 2007 They are frickin' selfish. And if they have some physical issue that prevents it........ well get creative. As long as the male is treating them with respect and meeting their needs there is no damn excuse not to meet his. If you have mental issues in regards to sex.... go fix it. It is not like you are a man and you have ED.... jerk him off, blow him, whatever... shut up and do it. Or don't whine when he doesn't get you a birthday present..... or meet your other needs. Don't use the damn kids as an excuse as to why you cannot lock the bathroom door and blow your H for 3 fruckin minutes after the kids are in bed. If your H is a ass and that is why you cut him off.... tell the stupid idiot. I think some women use it as a control thing... maybe some do so rightly because their husbands are asses.... but so many are just selfish. I don't feel like it is not an excuse not to meet your spouses needs...... whatever they might be. I don't feel like doing a lot of things... but I do them..... and I am sure my H doesn't feel like doing some things for me...... I could just slap the hell out of these selfish women. Link to post Share on other sites
Lezbean Posted March 13, 2007 Share Posted March 13, 2007 I agree totally A4A. I get so FED UP with spoiled rotten, self entitled biotches. I want to walk up, smack them in the forehead and tell them to wake-up! The men that put up with that need their butts kicked for putting up with it. Those type of women are no better than ho's. They think the poor man should have to pay to get some. Tsk, tsk. Link to post Share on other sites
Trialbyfire Posted March 13, 2007 Share Posted March 13, 2007 What does "being treated well" mean? This will be interesting because it depends on how "being treated well" is defined. Btw, any examples provided are not from personal experience. Scenario: Traditional marriage: Man goes to work and financially provides everything. Woman stays home with two children. Man comes home, says "Hi Honey", flops himself on the couch and does nothing else beyond giving his kids a kiss and hug goodnight. On the weekends he rides around on his weekend warrior lawnmower, taking care of the yard and doing repairs around the house. Would this be considered "being treated well"? Link to post Share on other sites
Woggle Posted March 13, 2007 Share Posted March 13, 2007 I agree and this is why men should not marry virgins. It is good if you are wife has a sexual history because it shows that she enjoys it and will carry that into the marriage. These innocent little virgins usually turn into the biggest b1tches. Link to post Share on other sites
justanothermother Posted March 13, 2007 Share Posted March 13, 2007 why do these broads need to go the extra mile when they are already getting everything they want? They may not NEED to but if they know how good they have it at home they should WANT to make their spouses happy. I too am tired of hearing from one of my friends who is doted upon as if the sun rises and sets for her by her husband whine about her husband wanting BJs. I want to yell at her: So what! Give him as many BJs as he wants! He treats you like you are a goddess. Don't be stupid enough to mess that up because you don't like giving BJs!! Seriously, she must be insane if she doesn't see what she has at home. I would kill for my significant other to treat me with one fourth of the consideration he shows for her. I on the otherhand, am on the opposite side of the spectrum. I do all the giving and get nothing back. Seems that all too many good partners get taken for granted by self-centered mates. Link to post Share on other sites
MrsSmith Posted March 13, 2007 Share Posted March 13, 2007 Dang, I must be one of the unusual women here...I don't withhold sex, intimacy, affection, adoration... it's opposite for us. I have heard that there are women out there that 'dislike" sex...I have had conversations with my girlfriends, all of us in our 40's that say its a chore, an obligation, a duty...the dreaded duty. Some have admitted that they avoid it at all costs. Some have admitted to not having sex in months. One friend admitted that she hasn't given a BJ in 18 yrs and hasn't actually done the deed in bed for at least 3 yrs? Am I the odd woman out? Geesh...am I abnormal? I admit to initiating sex 98% of the time - I admit to wearing him out. I agree with your post, but I might have just worded it a little less "to the point"... lol. Sex is an important part of marriage..my opinion that it's more than 50% of the relationship. Because we are doin' a lot of it, we believe that it keeps us strong, together, connected and communicating. We are best friends first and foremost, and the longer we are married the better it gets. Hubby is the first to say that. He knows that he can come home to a warm and peaceful home...I am not a nagger, a complainer...and he admits that too. He has wondered why husbands complain about their wives that nag all the time...he doesn't live that way, nor do I. I feel sorry for any spouse, whether its a male or female thats not giving and recieving sex in a marriage. If a spouse is feeling pushed aside and rejected, it's going to erode the marriage...communication is the key. If there's a health issue, then it needs to be addressed, openly and honestly. If the desire isn't there, then a spark needs to be ignited. Simply not having sex in a marriage is pretty sad. Glad I am the odd one out, the abnormal....cause I am getting and giving a lot of it!! Link to post Share on other sites
mockeryjones Posted March 13, 2007 Share Posted March 13, 2007 Scenario: Traditional marriage: Man goes to work and financially provides everything. Woman stays home with two children. Man comes home, says "Hi Honey", flops himself on the couch and does nothing else beyond giving his kids a kiss and hug goodnight. On the weekends he rides around on his weekend warrior lawnmower, taking care of the yard and doing repairs around the house. Would this be considered "being treated well"? yes. it would. if a man provides well enough for you that you have the luxury of staying home and watching your kids grow up then you are being treated better than most married mothers in this country. seriously what more do you want from a man who has total financial responsibility for ensuring the well being and provisioning for you and your children? Link to post Share on other sites
Ripples Posted March 13, 2007 Share Posted March 13, 2007 Mockery, just to nitpick; do you see that a husband having total financial reponsibility also may mean he has total financial control over his family? I'm not sure about other women, but that would be a huge turn off for me, personally. Also, this is obviously a fundamental difference between men and women's emotional needs. Women may appreciate being financially looked after, but they do need more than that, I'm afraid. The little things seem to count far more than the big things for women and the opposite seems to be true for men. As a woman I would rather an unexpected bunch of daisies picked from the garden lawn with my boyfriend's own hands than a huge bunch of roses/lilies/whatever your favorite flower is, from the florists. Link to post Share on other sites
justanothermother Posted March 13, 2007 Share Posted March 13, 2007 yes. it would. if a man provides well enough for you that you have the luxury of staying home and watching your kids grow up then you are being treated better than most married mothers in this country. seriously what more do you want from a man who has total financial responsibility for ensuring the well being and provisioning for you and your children? Well I can think of a few things but affection I think would be the biggest one for me. Not that the money thing doesn't count but without affection I would think a person would eventually feel unloved and unhappy. Link to post Share on other sites
Trialbyfire Posted March 13, 2007 Share Posted March 13, 2007 yes. it would. if a man provides well enough for you that you have the luxury of staying home and watching your kids grow up then you are being treated better than most married mothers in this country. seriously what more do you want from a man who has total financial responsibility for ensuring the well being and provisioning for you and your children? As I've stated, this is not my situation or will ever be my situation because I'm not the stay at home mother kind of person or for that matter, believe that withholding sex is a good way to equalize a relationship. So you feel it's acceptable to come home, grunt at your spouse, pop a beer and then expect to get laid? Link to post Share on other sites
Author a4a Posted March 13, 2007 Author Share Posted March 13, 2007 I agree with your post, but I might have just worded it a little less "to the point"... lol. Yeah I am blunt and to the point..... and so are men. So ask your man point blank if your sex life is satisfactory and if he would like more BJs....... go on ask him! Stop tip toeing around like you never had a dick in your mouth and your innocent.... lay it out on the line in Man Speak. :lmao: :lmao: I am also sick of people that look for loop holes in discussions.... so I am more to the point. As for being treated well = are the majority of your expectations met? If they are not trying telling your H the way I do.... bluntly and to the point. He ain't no fruckin' psychic ass mind reader. "if you want blow jobs....... treat me like I mean something to you, and you will get so many blow jobs your head may get sucked down your neck hole!" Link to post Share on other sites
Author a4a Posted March 13, 2007 Author Share Posted March 13, 2007 As I've stated, this is not my situation or will ever be my situation because I'm not the stay at home mother kind of person or for that matter, believe that withholding sex is a good way to equalize a relationship. So you feel it's acceptable to come home, grunt at your spouse, pop a beer and then expect to get laid? so tell the sot your expectations. Link to post Share on other sites
Trialbyfire Posted March 13, 2007 Share Posted March 13, 2007 so tell the sot your expectations. So the guy referenced in my example will listen, right? Link to post Share on other sites
Miss_Bee Posted March 13, 2007 Share Posted March 13, 2007 "if you want blow jobs....... treat me like I mean something to you, and you will get so many blow jobs your head may get sucked down your neck hole!" :lmao: I agree! Grab your man shove him up against the wall and rip his clothes off, give him what he deserves! Suck him until he's on the floor doing the chicken. I don't understand why woman use sex as a weapon either. It is just mean and spiteful to do this to the one that you love. These women need a kick in the arse, and the husbands need to grow some bigger balls for allowing thier wives to treat them like this. Link to post Share on other sites
Author a4a Posted March 13, 2007 Author Share Posted March 13, 2007 So the guy referenced in my example will listen, right? my sot did. I had to kick his butt all over the place....... now he thanks me for putting the foot up his butt. ( gave him the tater). It helps if you give them a little sample.... teach them that you will meet their needs if they are willing to meet yours. When you end up at a stalemate where one partner refuses to meet needs...... it is just that STALE MATE. Then it is time to look at plan B = other fish in the sea. Link to post Share on other sites
IfWishesWereHorses Posted March 13, 2007 Share Posted March 13, 2007 They may not NEED to but if they know how good they have it at home they should WANT to make their spouses happy. I too am tired of hearing from one of my friends who is doted upon as if the sun rises and sets for her by her husband whine about her husband wanting BJs. I want to yell at her: So what! Give him as many BJs as he wants! He treats you like you are a goddess. Don't be stupid enough to mess that up because you don't like giving BJs!! Seriously, she must be insane if she doesn't see what she has at home. I would kill for my significant other to treat me with one fourth of the consideration he shows for her. I on the otherhand, am on the opposite side of the spectrum. I do all the giving and get nothing back. Seems that all too many good partners get taken for granted by self-centered mates. AHA! There you have it! If she gave her husband everything he wanted he would have no reason treat her like a queen! That said, I don't think that sex should be used as a manipulative tool. THERE are men though who consider, "get in the car B*tch" forplay. For a woman desire is more psycological. They want to FEEL desired. When the evening has passed and Mr. "I have my hand glued to my penis" finishes watching the man show and turns to his wife and utters his first words "since "you stepped on that meatloaf" Uh, hey, you, we getting it tonight? This doesn't make a woman feel desired, it makes her feel like you want her to service you so you can live out the fantasy you started this morning when the waitress at the IHOP showed a little too much cleavage. If men put as much trouble into getting into their wives pants as they would any other woman who's pants they wanted to get into, then sex would be great for both of them. Link to post Share on other sites
mockeryjones Posted March 13, 2007 Share Posted March 13, 2007 So you feel it's acceptable to come home, grunt at your spouse, pop a beer and then expect to get laid? where in my post did i say that? Link to post Share on other sites
Moose Posted March 13, 2007 Share Posted March 13, 2007 Traditional marriage: Man goes to work and financially provides everything. Woman stays home with two, (try 5) children. Man comes home, says "Hi Honey", flops himself on the couch and does nothing else beyond giving his kids a kiss and hug goodnight. OR, Changes into his yard clothes, asks his wife, (FIRST), if there's anything he needs to take care of for her BEFORE he goes outside to maintain the vehicles, animals, property, and play with the kids. Then dinner, then helping with the math homework on 3 different grade levels...... On the weekends he rides around on his weekend warrior lawnmower, taking care of the yard and doing repairs around the house. OR, since he's got that out of the way because of the nice weather during the week, he lays around with the wife watching TV or takes the family to the nature center, or whatever the Mrs. had planned for that weekend.I don't mean to brag, but I think that I would qualify for, "treating my wife well", not only on special occasions, but during the normal week as well. I will say that when someone says they want to walk up and slap my wife upside the head because she's not meeting, "my" needs........I get a little defensive on her part. How do we know for sure that it's ENTIRELY her fault? Sure.....I would absolutely love for my wife to take a4a's advice......but that's just NOT my wife.......it's not her character to do things like that.....never has been.... Link to post Share on other sites
Ripples Posted March 13, 2007 Share Posted March 13, 2007 So if it never has been Moose, and you still married her, what's the problem? Link to post Share on other sites
Trialbyfire Posted March 13, 2007 Share Posted March 13, 2007 my sot did. I had to kick his butt all over the place....... now he thanks me for putting the foot up his butt. ( gave him the tater). It helps if you give them a little sample.... teach them that you will meet their needs if they are willing to meet yours. When you end up at a stalemate where one partner refuses to meet needs...... it is just that STALE MATE. Then it is time to look at plan B = other fish in the sea. Not everyone has the guy who will listen. Btw, sex with the ex was not the issue in my relationship. Intimacy and sex were unbelievable. Talk about raw, rip your clothes off chemistry, lol. where in my post did i say that? If you look back at my original post, you'll note the the guy flops himself on the couch and does nothing after work. I'm just expanding on my story. Link to post Share on other sites
Trialbyfire Posted March 13, 2007 Share Posted March 13, 2007 I don't mean to brag, but I think that I would qualify for, "treating my wife well", not only on special occasions, but during the normal week as well. I will say that when someone says they want to walk up and slap my wife upside the head because she's not meeting, "my" needs........I get a little defensive on her part. How do we know for sure that it's ENTIRELY her fault? Sure.....I would absolutely love for my wife to take a4a's advice......but that's just NOT my wife.......it's not her character to do things like that.....never has been.... You qualify for Husband of the Year. Link to post Share on other sites
MrsSmith Posted March 13, 2007 Share Posted March 13, 2007 Yeah I am blunt and to the point..... and so are men. So ask your man point blank if your sex life is satisfactory and if he would like more BJs....... go on ask him! Stop tip toeing around like you never had a dick in your mouth and your innocent.... lay it out on the line in Man Speak. :lmao: :lmao: I am also sick of people that look for loop holes in discussions.... so I am more to the point. As for being treated well = are the majority of your expectations met? If they are not trying telling your H the way I do.... bluntly and to the point. He ain't no fruckin' psychic ass mind reader. "if you want blow jobs....... treat me like I mean something to you, and you will get so many blow jobs your head may get sucked down your neck hole!" Geesh, A4A, I think you got my post wrong... really, I was agreeing with you...really, I can ask my husb if he gets enough Bj's and the answer will be yes,,, I know, I have asked him... we have a very open line of communication when it comes to our sex life..and I know for sure he is getting enough..he is the first to say it..he has made comments about his friends and their comments about not getting enough sex, or boring sex, and that he feels sorry for them. It takes two to have good sex...and we both work at it, we both like it and we both look forward to it.. we aren't missing anything here. Now, if he was a fat lazy ass sitting on the sofa with his down his boxers, drinking beer after beer, ordering me around like a maid... the story might be different...but, he realizes that there's nothing sexier than unloading the dishwasher, helping to fold the clothes and sharing the household chores...so I have time to share my feelings intimately with him and him with me..it's a two way street. It's all the eye to eye communication that keeps us affectionate with each other, the mind reading and mind loving that takes place...we're both on the same page. If a spouse is withholding sex...there's a reason...either the husb isn't doing his part or the wife isnt' doing her part...it might be health, it might be stress..or it might be that one treats the other disrepectfully in other areas of the marriage. I have seen it all too clearly...the man stomps around, ordering his wench wife to be the perfect wife, clean the house, cook, take care of the kids, do the finances, maintaining a full time job, doing everything alone..while the husb does whatever the h*ll he wants and when he wants... ya think that turns on a woman? It doesn't...and that can be reversed as well...the wife can be the demanding house stomper and the husb is doing it all alone..including supporting the family. Like I said..its a two way street..and a marriage has to be shared and there has to be ultimate respect and care for each other... It's not always all about a guys dick.. if he wants it slobbed,,he needs to do his part in the marriage as well. It's not always about me making him feel good...he has to make me feel good too. Link to post Share on other sites
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