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Does she like me or am I kidding myself here?

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Hey guys, just stumbled accross this website a few minutes ago, and It seems like a pretty cool place. So, here's my problem....


Before I start keep in mind me and her are both 15....


So, there is a really cute girl at my school... And I mean, this girl is amazing. Heads turn when she walks past (and she usually has a smile n her face, she's one of those cheerful girls :D) and I always noticed her, but only got a chance to talk to her this year. Well, I've got this huge crush on her, but I don't know if she feels the same way.


Apparently, (this is coming from a friend of mine, who keeps telling me that she likes me, but has no idea I like her) when I was off sick, she was loud and silly, which is funny that, while she is quite silly and giggly when I'm around, she is sometimes quiet. She seems to go quiet a lot when I'm around....


And she makes a point of being mean (not horrible, but jokey mean) like only today, she could have blamed anyone for throwing a rubber on her (it was my friend next to me :p) and with a smile she blamed me. But when the teacher got angry and began to grab my things, about to send me out, she instantly took it back, and said she was joking. And like, if theres anyone to tease, its me...


And while this doesnt upset me (I just tease her back) it leaves me wondering, does she feel the same way about me as I do about her?


Well, thats about it, tell me what you guys thing....






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Excellent advise. And stop teasing her, you'll come across like you are fifteen or something. Be cool.

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But that was not what you asked for, was it?


From what you write, yes, I'd say there is a good chance this girl likes you, and that she will be happy to date you.


Here's a freebie: never try to kiss her on the first date. As I wrote above, be cool. But kiss her before the third date, don't let her get into the habit of dating just for the company and entertainment.

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