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Something just ain't right!

Kevin D.

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I think I have evidence that my girlfriend is cheating - or at least up to something shady. I may not have enough evidence to "convict" but I have enough to cast "reasonable doubt".


She receives many pages (most either late at night or during her lunch hour at work)on her voice mail. Using sneaky techniques I was able to gain access to her access code and listen to several of these pages. A guy was saying, "Please call me ..." ,"I'm at my mom's house . . .", Call me on my cellular phone . . .","Let me know where you at . . ."; and the numeric messages she received contained the code "69".


When I asked her about these pages she blamed a guy "Jack"(supposedly a new friend), but when I called one of the numbers I got a guy claiming to be "Rex" - I did a little extra digging and found his name is "Roy". he claimed never to have paged my girlfriend.


Why did she inacurrately identify the perpertrator? Why did "Roy" lie about his identity when confronted?


Should I chalk it up as coincedence as my girl claims? Or should I just leave her alone?

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It hurts when you find out that someone is not telling you the truth (especially someone that you care for). If your instincts are telling you that something isn't right, 9 out of 10 times you will be correct. However, you do not know everything. If she won't share it with you, and you do not feel comfortable with that, then break it off with her. Women need space and if you continue to invade it, it will turn her off. Just mean what you say and do what you mean. Give her space, don't contact her, and soon enough you will know the truth. If she is cheating on you, you don't want that anyway. If she is not, and you have blown things out of proportion, she will correct the situation when you have the talk with her, and you will feel comfortable again. How do I know? I've been there. It happened with my long term boyfriend 6 weeks ago. He was the cheater and I broke it off immediately. I knew something was not right, but he wouldn't tell me. So I went by my instincts and broke it off. Guess what. I was right. DUH.

I think I have evidence that my girlfriend is cheating - or at least up to something shady. I may not have enough evidence to "convict" but I have enough to cast "reasonable doubt".


She receives many pages (most either late at night or during her lunch hour at work)on her voice mail. Using sneaky techniques I was able to gain access to her access code and listen to several of these pages. A guy was saying, "Please call me ..." ,"I'm at my mom's house . . .", Call me on my cellular phone . . .","Let me know where you at . . ."; and the numeric messages she received contained the code "69". When I asked her about these pages she blamed a guy "Jack"(supposedly a new friend), but when I called one of the numbers I got a guy claiming to be "Rex" - I did a little extra digging and found his name is "Roy". he claimed never to have paged my girlfriend.


Why did she inacurrately identify the perpertrator? Why did "Roy" lie about his identity when confronted? Should I chalk it up as coincedence as my girl claims? Or should I just leave her alone?

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Been there, done that. I know exactly how you feel. The advice I give is this -- if you feel that you don't trust the girl you're with for any reason you should be upfront about it. I agree with the previous response that if you suspect cheating, 9 times out of 10 you're right. Communication very important. If you don't feel comfortable asking her about it or don't feel like she's being totally honest with you my advice is get out of it. Otherwise you'll always be thinking about it. It will stress you out and it will only cause problems in the relationship. You should feel like she's your best friend that you can talk to her about anything and vice versa of course. Good luck!



I think I have evidence that my girlfriend is cheating - or at least up to something shady. I may not have enough evidence to "convict" but I have enough to cast "reasonable doubt".


She receives many pages (most either late at night or during her lunch hour at work)on her voice mail. Using sneaky techniques I was able to gain access to her access code and listen to several of these pages. A guy was saying, "Please call me ..." ,"I'm at my mom's house . . .", Call me on my cellular phone . . .","Let me know where you at . . ."; and the numeric messages she received contained the code "69". When I asked her about these pages she blamed a guy "Jack"(supposedly a new friend), but when I called one of the numbers I got a guy claiming to be "Rex" - I did a little extra digging and found his name is "Roy". he claimed never to have paged my girlfriend.


Why did she inacurrately identify the perpertrator? Why did "Roy" lie about his identity when confronted? Should I chalk it up as coincedence as my girl claims? Or should I just leave her alone?

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