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A crazy situation with an Ex-Girlfriend

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WOW! How do I begin?


8 months ago, I left Germany because I had to professionally. I had a great woman for two years and naturally I had to break up with her. The problem is she been calling me over skype once a month, every month, since my return. I'm flattered but....


I am just now starting to date again...slowly and it has been a painfull process. I'm the type of guy that likes plenty of time between relationships. Well, my ex....she started dating about 2 months after I left and is now in a relationship, rebound anyone? The funny thing is that she keeps calling me, once a month and wants to know when I start dating again? Likes if its any of her business! She even sent me pictures of herself (minus the guy of course...just casual pics) and wanted pics of me....strange! She didn't pull this when we were together! And I still haven't sent any pics of me.


The funny thing is she claims she moved on...then why does she insist on keeping in contact with me? I mean...my question is.....does her current boyfriend know about the pics and the phone calls? My guess is no...and that's messed up on her end. I told her, that "I don't think the guy you are now with would appreciate all of this" And her reply was..."I don't care...it's my life." Pathetic. I still have some feelings for her but they're starting to wade off finally. I conclude that she's young in the head. In my book, the only reason why you call an Ex, in the first place, is to be intrested in some type of reconcillation. I mean...why call an ex? If she was single..it wouldn't bother me, but because she's not it's not right, period!


I don't want to burn any bridges...but keeping in contact to me is a call once every 6 months or so...not every month. That is something else. What the hell is all this about? She says she never dated anybody like me before, I know I was a challenge for her, when we were together. But in a good way. I wonder if she's really upset with me.......our relationship was good, but at times she was needy, insecure, and immature and I hate that. What would you do with this situation?



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If she's German, it doesn't mean anything. She is taking pride in the fact that she's cool with calling you, that she's above stuff like jealousy, and the fact that she's not telling BF is also normal for a German, she'll not let BF control her. She probably just wants to be friendly. As long as it is no more than once a month, no worries. I still see all my (3) exes, I have dinner from time to time with my ex and her new husband, we admire their kids and such. It's a European thing.

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my girl of three years broke up with me 7 months ago (great relationship no problems) shes younger 23 whatever. i think shes got a boyfriend but will still text me every 2 weeks random stuff like how is your dad doing or im xferring stores so u dont have to worry about running into me or avoiding this place now. so i know how u feel and i think shes got a new guy also which makes it even weirder to me also. u got a new person in your life forget the old guy u crapped on i dont get girls other than she wants to keep u around cause she knows u were good or just dosnt want to let go completely.


ive flat out told mine to stop contacting me but she still persists so i read it delete it and just move on with healing.

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A word of caution, though. She'll expect the same aloofness from you. You are not in real danger as she lives in Germany, but if old feelings start to stir, cut the contact. The risk you are running if you re-fall in love with her, is that you will mistake her attitude for romantic interest - as you are already doing - and get yourself into a messy situation. But if you and your new GF are fine with it, and she's a good talker, indulge yourself. If there's no overt hot talk from her, your new relationship should be in no risk from her side

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Ask her for a pic of her new BF, if I'm right, it should make her happy that you care. If you get no pic, maybe I'm wrong. And don't be such a miser, send her a pic of yourself and your new GF, it won't hurt you and clear out any possible misunderstanding.

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