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Help Please! I'm Dying inside


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Hello, I'm lonely. My girlfriend and I have been dating exclusively for 6 months. I don't know where to begin. She is a student at a design school and always has work to do. She is mending a relationship with her mother, and when she has time, she sometimes calls me to come see her at the studio she paints and draws at. I just feel like she doesn't give me enough attention. For example, I have called her twice today, and left a message with My # of where I am(My fathers house, Thanksgiving) and she hasn't called me. She was out with friends. It is 11:41, and I am going to kill either her or myself. Plus it is just hard to communicate with her. When she has time off, she spends most of it with her friend ellie, who is very cool, but My girlfriend doesn't have much time to spare. I always end up waiting for her, and no matter what, or how hard I think rationally, I'm always hurt by the lack of communication and expression of feelings between us. We also were sexually intimate for the first time in 2 1/2 months a couple of days ago. Is that a sign? I mean I care for her, but I don't want to shoot myself in the foot. What should I do?

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Hello, I'm lonely. My girlfriend and I have been dating exclusively for 6 months. I don't know where to begin. She is a student at a design school and always has work to do. She is mending a relationship with her mother, and when she has time, she sometimes calls me to come see her at the studio she paints and draws at. I just feel like she doesn't give me enough attention. For example, I have called her twice today, and left a message with My # of where I am(My fathers house, Thanksgiving) and she hasn't called me. She was out with friends. It is 11:41, and I am going to kill either her or myself. Plus it is just hard to communicate with her. When she has time off, she spends most of it with her friend ellie, who is very cool, but My girlfriend doesn't have much time to spare. I always end up waiting for her, and no matter what, or how hard I think rationally, I'm always hurt by the lack of communication and expression of feelings between us. We also were sexually intimate for the first time in 2 1/2 months a couple of days ago. Is that a sign? I mean I care for her, but I don't want to shoot myself in the foot. What should I do?



I am sorry to hear that you and your girlfriend are having trouble. If you haven't already, you should tell her how you feel and ask if there's anything that can be done. It can be really hard if you and your girlfriend don't work the same shift and can't spend much time together. I think the question you need to ask yourself is whether or not she is busy and can't make time or she just won't make time. If she's a college student and working she's probably overwhelmed and if you are in love with her you should understand that, but if she loves you back she would make the time to at least call you back when you leave messages. I hope you don't take too long to figure this out because the longer you wait the harder it's gonna get. Good luck, Shannon

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