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does he treat me like a potential?

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Hi this guy joined my ex-company two months before I left my ex-company. I was leasing a place to stay when I was employed by that company, minimum lease period 6 months. If I decided to move out before 6 months, I have to forego rental deposit which was equivalent to 2 months rentals.


I managed to persuade this guy to take over my apartment. Along the way, I have invited him for a few group gathering and introduced two ladies to him, in order to widen his social circle there. I thought lady B could be a good match to him, as she was four years younger than him and of the same race and my girlfriend was looking for a boyfriend then.


Three of us spent one whole Saturday together. We went shopping, having haircut and eating. During the dinner, I mentioned that I was planning to go on tour in the neighbouring country, either alone or getting a female tourmate. Surprisingly, he volunteered to go with me. My girlfriend hinted to him that I am very much older than him. In fact, I am four years older than him. He kept silence.


At the end of the day, I was teasing to both of them, after I have left the country, they both can find other for good company. To my surprise, the guy said to us, ïf anything, he would rather give me call to find out.


The following Saturday, my girlfriend went abroad. So, I spent the whole day doing last minute shopping. This guy text message me to date me out. I didn't reply till before I went to bed in the night.


The next day, we had a gathering with some colleagues. One of colleagues invited him over. During the gathering, he kept asking me whether I was really busy packing up the whole day yesterday?


I was leaving on Monday morning. He was moving in at the same time. He asked for my contact details and persuaded me to find a job closeby so that he could pay me a visit anytime.


It has been some months since I have left the country. We still keep in touch by emailing and Instant Messaging. He seems to be very anxious to know where I am now, is he really interested in me?

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