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birthday presents?

sum dude

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hi everyone :hello: . i need you guys and girls to give me an advice on wat kind of present should i give to a friend and she is a girl. First off i want the girls to tell me wat they like for a 16th birthday and for the guy i want you to let me know wat present you will give her. plz i need a advice fast her birthday is almost here.


thax...a thousand times...

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ideas on what to get for 16 year old girl:


Gift certificates always make good gifts if you dont know what to get them.How about a gift certificate for her fav store? Then that way she can go and get what she wants.Unless if you know her taste in what she likes.




if you have a Bath and Body Works store near you? They have some cute little perfume sets and soap sets and stuff like that.








a little purse is nice too




a mini photo album




you can always treat her out to eat or something




money in a card


theres some ideas!



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Are you platonic friends? Romantically involved? Want to be romantically involved? Want to stay friends?


If you are just friends, I would stay away from jewelry & apparel. Go with music or gift certificates or books or something like that. Fragrance gift sets are good for friends.


If you want a romantic relationship or have one, then go for more personal and intimate items like jewelry or perfume or something you make yourself -- like recording her favorite songs/romantic songs onto a tape. The effort you put into the gift is the best part of it.


Pearberry is a very popular fragrance from Bath & Body Works and there are lot of gift sets available in different price ranges.

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my birthday is coming up, and I'd love a gift certificate to Barnes & Nobel or to any fabric store!!!!!


LOL, best tip is to find out what her interests are, and no matter what people tell you, I personally think that a gift certificate (for a modest or vulgar amount) for something that person is interested is the best gift. There have been a lot of times I've gone some place -- book store, movie store, B&BW, fabric center, Home Depot -- and would have loved to buy something but didn't have the funds to purchase it. Even if it helps defray the cost of an item some, that person will be grateful you were able to help them get it.

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1) What is your relationship with her?

2) How much $ do you want to spend?


If you are in a romantic relationship, I think a gift certificate is tacky. I think the time spent trying to find something and finding something (even if it isn't my style) is much better than a gift certificate that shows you didn't put much thought into it.

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