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I have been in a relationship with this guy for 7 years and we have had problems in the past. We have a daughter together. We were young when we had our daughter and he was not ready to settle down. He used to go out every weekend without me and be out late on the week nights. I used to get mad and we would argue a lot about his partying. In September I met this guy and started talking to him because he payed attention to me and it was a nice change.


My boyfriend found out about him and assumed that I was cheating on him and this actually helped, he started staying home and talking about getting married and he said that he realized that he had neglected me and that he was sorry. He really changed and all I could think about was what if i would be happier with this new guy.


So we separated and now I regret everything and I want him back but he doesn't know if he can forgive me. He says that i really let him down and he doesn't know if he can trust me anymore. I really want him back and i don't know what to do. Do you think that he can forgive me and that we can move on?

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I honestly don't see what there is to forgive unless I am totally just missing it here:confused: . My question is how long before you broke up with him did he change into this wonderful all attentive guy. On a personal note, I believe if you're in a relationship it should be done right, 50-50, meet each other half way...whatever you wanna call it. I think it's sad that it took another man to make him give you what you want. this tells me that he knew what you wanted and decided to disregard your interest for his partying. Don't you think that's unacceptable?

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