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Worst love triangle ever.

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What happens if....


I'm not sure how I feel about Kara, because she's never serious, I can't identify with her family and I'm not sure if they like me. She's just kind of an illogical person when it comes to career choices and finances...but nothing is really wrong in our relationship, we get along fine, we hardly ever fight, She's very sweet, very pretty, and I think I'm in love with her. We've been together for almost 2 years.


But I go to a party, my friend Jillian is there, she's stunning, we've been friends for 5 years, and I've always been crushing on her...we kiss. I've now cheated on someone I truly care about.


I just can't stay with Kara anymore, I feel awful...I start dating Jillian...


Jillian is completely different. She's street smart, money wise, makes great career choices, she's extreamly logical, she takes care of so well, and I mesh very well with her family...but she's all too serious, she's very different than I am in every way, very level heading with a short temper, we don't get along very well, we fight often, we've had very close calls where we almost break up, but we don't, because we are comfortable, and she loves me and cares so much about me...I think I'm in love with her....we've been together for almost 2 years...


But durring a good half of those 2 years I stay in touch with Kara, we're still friends.....we don't talk for about 7 months, and we talk again...she tells me she's still in love with me, she forgives me for what I've done....I don't think I ever stopped caring about her...I think I might still love her.


What do I do?

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Don't date anyone until you figure out who you are and what is important to you. You aren't ready for a committed, loving relationship, so stop hurting everyone who gets involved with you and stay out of the dating scene until you get your head together.

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You could shoot for the best of both worlds, and see if they would be opposed to a polygamist arrangement.


My take on it is you are probably more compatible with Kara. But regardless of what she says, she won't easily put this behind her. The resentment will be there. The only possible way to go back to her would be to get out of your current relationship and sit tight for a year or so. Don't go running right back to her or you'll make it more apparent that you can't be relied upon to stick around.

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