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why cant i get over it?

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To put a long story short, almost 7 months ago my boyfriend of 6 years broke up with me for another woman. Over the last 7 months I've been doing alot better, but i still find myself daily being mad and angry at this man for lying and cheating.


I try to occupy my time and focus on other things, but i always end up just thinking about what happened, and how much of a fool i am, what a jerk he is, etc. I havent takled to my friends about it, and they all think i'm fine and dandy, and i guess posting here will let me get it off my chest.


Tonight my ex was over at my friends house with the 'other' woman and i cant describe the anger that came over me, I wanted nothing more than to yell at him or atleast beat the crap out of him. After 7 months though, i just feel like i'm some crazy person getting so upset like that.


If anyone has any advice, or if they are still having problems so long after a break up I would like to hear it. Thanks for reading this, I really do appreiciate it.

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