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I'm not cheating he's freaking out!

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What to do...I love this guy, but he is so freaked out that I'm cheating on him I don't know what to do. He's getting irrational, paranoid...strange!


We live in two different states...both have our education paid for. He can transfer to my state and still have his scholarship...I can't. All is well, he's planning on transferring...then suddenly decides he doesn't want to.


He can flip flop between rational sweet guy...to paranoid I'm cheating and using him in under an hour. For instance one morning I woke up to three e-mails. The first said "good morning honey...just woke up having my coffee...blah blah". The second said "I can never marry you we can't be together....I don't want to go into the reasons". The third was a continuation of the second...he thinks I'm cheating have other men...am using him blah blah.


Then things are fine again...suddenly I get a text message which says..."my ex-wife called she still loves me we are getting married next week"...then he gets drunk and "why don't you love me?" over and over and over and over.


As he gets stranger and more insecure....I'm starting to worry the guy might actually be dangerous! When he's rational he's wonderful...but when he gets paranoid I'm starting to get a little scared.


Can he fix this? Or is it going to continue to escalate to where my well being is at risk?

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