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Hi... there was someone at work that was interested in me... and at first i didn't realize it, truly i didn't... then when i did, it clicked in me... and the three months was full of flirtation, but then he left the job, without even telling me first, i had to find out through others, and the entire month of December he didn't talk to me, and i didn't pursue anything or email or IM.


The month of Jan when he left, i had sent an email saying good luck but he didn't respond back. End of Jan he calls me and sets up a date, but we never go on it, i call him to remind him but he doesn't answer me back. So i just leave it be. Then Feb i call him and we dont get to chat, so i told him i'll call him back, and when i did, he doesn't answer the phone, i get the voicemail, i left a message, but he hasn't returned it.


It's now middle of March, haven't heard from him, but he has been calling everyone else at work to say hi. Do you think i should take it as a hint? Just feel very sad, that i wasn't as important as i felt he was to me. I don't understand what happenned. I guess he wasn't really into me after all and led me on. i should have realized that long time ago. Just hard i suppose. :( I really liked him.

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