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33 views and still none of you know what he wants either,but at least I paragraphed.


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I'll try and postcard this as much as possible without leaving the story out.Okay so back about five months ago he kicked me to the curb,to me it seemed sudden and the way he did it was really rude and hurtful.I asked if we could talk about it because the reason he gave didn't seem very honest "we fight too much" but we didn't really fight much at all.He said "I guess but not now" I just said "Okay well when your ready too, please get ahold of me".



He never did, what did I do? I gave him what he wanted. I didn't cry on his machine, call him, boo hoo in his face or put on some pitty act.I went on with my life.January of this year he starts emailing me of all things, when I asked why he got back into contact with me he replied *shrugs*,and nothing more. I very politely asked him to leave me alone because I felt he was playing games.


What's he do? keeps writing me, and I find out he also contacted my best, she was really angry with him for the way he broke it off and for him contacting both her and me, she asked what he thought he was doing and why and he told her he only contacted me "on a whim" and it was "acquaintance like" in nature. Okay maybe so, a few more odd emails and I just quit the damn thing because it was tiring.Mutually we quit the exchange.


He finds my myspace, and starts writing me there about a week ago, I just deleted the letters.When he realized that I wasn't reading his letters, he started writing me messages in the subject line of the myspace notes.He'd send me a few at a time so he could get a whole message in. I don't get it, what does he want from me?

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does this guy have some mental issues he is dealing with? this level of persistence is a little unhealthy.



I'm guessing that if it's not wanting you back, it's one of those things where he broke up with you and wasn't sure if that was the right thing and is like "well if I can't have her I don't want to see anyone else with her"


just a theory :: shrug ::

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Well, I know back a few months ago he was struggling with depression. Other than that yeah I don't know, it doesn't make a lot of sense to me either. It may of been a theory but at least you took a shot in the dark.

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What does he want from you? He wants an ego stroke. He misses you and he didn't expect that you'd just be able to accept the breakup so well and now he wants to push your buttons and see if he can get a reaction. I think it's pretty obvious. I don't understnad why you would want this guy back. He sounds like a total j ackass.

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