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need your about a friend!!

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so i have this best friend that i've known a long time. ive suspected he liked me for a while (he's hinted over the years that he liked me) but he finally admitted to me recently. wasnt sure how i felt cause i didnt want to risk the friendship but then it changed. we were getting quite close, as he was making effort to get me to like him and was treating me more as a girlfriend.


at the same time he met another girl that he liked and he told me (as he always confides in me with everything). he still kept trying with me, but as i never gave him a sign that i was interested that way, he started to pursue her.


a few weeks on he has hooked up with her. but once again his behaviour towards me has changed. now hes mean to me when she is around, ignoring and putting me down, yet when shes not there hes fine! dont undestand what this means as he has always respected me and tells me often how much he appreciates me and so on. its like hes a totally different person! i know i havent done anything to hurt him, unless hes just cut he couldnt have me?? i let him know i was upset by his actions and we havent spoke for a few days. really want to work it out, just not sure how to approach him! any ideas???

thanks in advance :)

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