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Don't know what to do.


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I have been seeing my boyfriend for two and a half years. We started fighting about anything and everything possible about six months ago. When I started a new job (factory) he started getting jealous because I got along with all the guys. There would be groups of us (guys and girls) going out to the bars and he would get pissed off. Last week when I went out some people set me up with 'Darcy'. We hit it off great. I was told by a friend that there were people going back to 'Darcy's' afterwards. I agreed to go. No-one showed up a Darcy's and we were left alone. I did nothing with Darcy but I know if I had stayed a bit longer I would Have slept with him. I feel bad for both Darcy and my boyfriend because neither one of them know about each other. So the question is What should I do?

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If you no longer want to see your boyfriend, dump him. If you do, don't lead Darcy on. whatever you decide to do, you really need to think about what a healthy relationship means to you, because you aren't displaying any personal understanding of what you want.


I actually slept with a friend of mine early on in my present relationship. I realized it was wrong, I understood not to do it again. I care for my boyfriend deeply and don't want to hurt him. So now I try to be the best girlfriend I can possibly be. I have neer mentioned my infidelity, nor do I plan to, because it would schieve nothing. I know I won't do it again. Will you?

I have been seeing my boyfriend for two and a half years. We started fighting about anything and everything possible about six months ago. When I started a new job (factory) he started getting jealous because I got along with all the guys. There would be groups of us (guys and girls) going out to the bars and he would get pissed off. Last week when I went out some people set me up with 'Darcy'. We hit it off great. I was told by a friend that there were people going back to 'Darcy's' afterwards. I agreed to go. No-one showed up a Darcy's and we were left alone. I did nothing with Darcy but I know if I had stayed a bit longer I would Have slept with him. I feel bad for both Darcy and my boyfriend because neither one of them know about each other. So the question is What should I do?
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