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How do you know when someone is cheating?

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I'm in a long distance relationship, and I don't really suspect that my boyfriend is cheating on me, BUT just in case I'd like to know if anyone could give any signs of cheating. :)

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First of all, what makes you think he is cheating? Perhaps he is behaving oddly for another reason, just a thought :)

I have been lucky enough not to have been cheated on in any of my relationships (that I know of anyway) but I think in my LDR I would think my other half was cheating if he stopped calling so often, got weird on the phone if he was around other people, was sketchy about who he was with when he went out.... I can't think of anything else.

Perhaps if you could tell us some specifics of how he's been behaving we could help more, otherwise you'll probably just end up thinking even more than before that you are being cheated on when it's not necessarily the case.

I'm sorry, that was not very helpful!:rolleyes:

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There is a good website that is set up for people to "learn" how to cheat. It is also a good resource to see if people are cheating.


Philanderers is the site with the obligatory dot com following it!

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Your sex life goes ballistic.

Long distance though, so sex life is ballistic anyway when you eventually see each other ;)

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I'm in a long distance relationship, and I don't really suspect that my boyfriend is cheating on me, BUT just in case I'd like to know if anyone could give any signs of cheating. :)


First...I really like your signature, it's VERY true for LDR'S!!!:o


Does your BF have any female friends? If so, does he have any with whom he spends a LOT of time with? I don't mean like hanging in a group on weekends..like her randomly showing up at his place (wanted or not), him going there a lot, hanging out with her a LOT more than his other friends? Or, does he have a girl, whom he hasn't told about you? Or who you know about, but not from him (meaning he's hiding her from you)?


Those are the questions which, IMO, you'd need to answer to figure out if he's cheating. Other than that, and trying to do your best to spy on him (which can be very difficult with a LDR), you just have to trust him.


Curiousity, if you don't mind sharing....how far apart do you and your SO live?

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