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do you think he cheated?

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my b/f, his friend and i were at a bar one night. All of a sudden a girl comes in a sees my b/f. She gives him a kiss on the cheek and a hug. My b/f inroduced me and said this is my g/f so and so. But i realized i had met her before because she is the sister of one of my b/f's friends. So we have been at a club together but didnt really talk. And then she is like oh we are gonna fight(to my b/f) but of course not in a serious way. I was thinking did they ever hook up or something? My b/f says he is only met her 3 times which was 2 times with me and once without me(when we were dating for like 3 months or so--he went to this weekend thing at the beach with friends and she was there. Drinking and bars for the weekend. I was not there, i had to do something else that weekend. Was it weird how she was with my b/f? Afterwards,she went to her own area with her friend and we didn't speak all night. When we were leaving we were near her and she looked at my b/f and gave him a kiss on the cheek goodbye and then she saw me so i guess she had to do the same to me. Am i being paranoid?

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Based on your post, I don't think you have anything to worry about. What makes you think that they've hooked up before?

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honestly it sounds like she is a really friendly and overly flirty girl. I really wouldnt worry about it to much...If he didnt seem to freak out or have the "oh Sh*t" look on his face then dont worry.

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