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What Makes you Feel Truly Loved?

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What Makes you Feel Truly Loved?


I hope a lot of men answer.


For the most part I know what a woman needs/wants.;)

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to be loved to me means....





being there


working together not against each other



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I feel loved when someones face lights up and they get a big smile when they see me. I feel loved when someone remembers to ask about something in my life that is affecting me. Mostly though, two very strong arms wrapped around me, a broad chest on which to rest my head, kisses on my forehead by a man who I completely trust to never hurt me. Haven't felt anything like that in a long time though and don't imagine I ever will again.

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from my mate? Kisses for no reason. Chocolate just because. Warming up my car on cold winter mornings so I can stay an extra few minutes in bed. Doing his best to get along with my sister, the princesa, even when she drives him insane. Spending time with my mom when she visited and I had to work. Having man to man talks with my dad so I would know how he was "really" doing. Calling me at work just to share something he'd heard. Oh, and making pig faces because he knows it makes me laugh ...

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:rolleyes: It never ceases to amaze me how common it is that more women don't understand ~ comprehend that for a man to feel loved = being appreciated, validated, and not taken for granted. :p


We're actually simple beings. :laugh:

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:rolleyes: It never ceases to amaze me how common it is that more women don't understand ~ comprehend that for a man to feel loved = being appreciated, validated, and not taken for granted. :p


We're actually simple beings. :laugh:


Dang and all this time I thought it was blow jobs. :o:lmao:

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Sheesh, and here all these months I have been greeting him naked at the door with a cold beer and a steak on the grill.:rolleyes:


I know those are important Gunny. I guess I was looking for the little things.



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Gunny is right that feeling appreciated, validated and not being taken for granted (along with blowjobs) shows that a man is truly loved. But so is something else: The ability on the part of the woman to realize that they shouldn't let their man's patience, be it in dealing with her assorted issues of feeling 'scared' about getting more serious or just her usual issues, excuse them from getting their big girl panties on.


A man is patient because he loves you and wants to put in the work. But if he feels that all he's getting for his patience is a woman who constantly getting cold feet of one form or another, then he will eventually withdraw. And then he will walk -- and not come back.


Respecting this patience by dealing with your issues and appreciating his patience is important. Just do it.

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Sheesh, and here all these months I have been greeting him naked at the door with a cold beer and a steak on the grill.:rolleyes: Lezzie


That'd work for me! :lmao:


But, seriously Goggle ~ "Light His Fire" by Dr. Hellen Kreidman ~ Grrrrrr. :lmao:

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When my children tell me I'm the best mom in the world...........


When my husband tells me he loves me and that I'm his soulmate. When he sends me sweet texts or warms up my little heat thing I used to keep my feet warm and brings it to bed for me.


When my husband pops me on the butt and says "Mmmmm you are so hot!"

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Just going to the supermarket to buy a few things so I am going to pop a few women on the butt and say "Mmmmm you`re so hot". Just so they know they are loved:laugh:


Oh, can you bring a laptop to jail? Gotta log on to LS:rolleyes:

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is when you feel totally vulnerable but don't care cos you know you trust this person with your heart and soul.


It is in the little things they do, love is an action not a verb. It is not grand gestures of romantic getaways and expensive gifts etc. It is the little smile they give you when you catch them looking at you, it is the little brush of the hair when they are talking to someone else, it is the extra effort they put into trying to be a bit tidier or actually put their clothes in the laundry basket. It is so many things.


It is all the things someone does, not necessarily what they say. Hearing the words I love you, or you're pretty or you rock every now and then is good though!!

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Dang and all this time I thought it was blow jobs. :o:lmao:



Blowjob regularity is like my marital dashboard. When things slow down, I know my husbandly conduct has been slipping, so I step it up to ensure I am satisfying her "emotional needs"

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This is a bit bizarre, but I feel loved when someone is protective of me.


My family never was and my husband never was, so I'm a huge sucker for it when the rare occasion happens.


Maybe it's because I view it as having a great amount of courage for putting themselves out there for me in spite of the repercussions. Or maybe I expect it because I would do it for those I care about. ??

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Here's something I found on another board. It's very idealistic but there are some valid points:


How do you know when a man is really in love with you?


"There are three ways to know. One, he will be generous with his body, with his mind, with his time, and with his money. Two, he will want to be protective of you. And three, he will put your feelings ahead of his own. If he puts his own feelings ahead of yours on a regular basis, he's not a man, he's a boy."

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Here's something I found on another board. It's very idealistic but there are some valid points:


How do you know when a man is really in love with you?


"There are three ways to know. One, he will be generous with his body, with his mind, with his time, and with his money. Two, he will want to be protective of you. And three, he will put your feelings ahead of his own. If he puts his own feelings ahead of yours on a regular basis, he's not a man, he's a boy."


Huh.......Wow, you got me thinking now.:cool:


TBF-what site is this?

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Huh.......Wow, you got me thinking now.:cool:


TBF-what site is this?


It's from a car site buried in a non-accessible forum. It's not the norm on that site, trust me, lol.

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