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Love or Deep Like?

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I am a grade 11 student and I've known this guy for a few years as we were in most classes together. We are the same age. And attented similar activities outside of school together. We are friends.


Over the years, I started liking him..a lot. And i have fallen soo deeply, that I never thought I could fall for someone. We argue most of the time in person, it is like he loves to get a rise out of me. And then we apolize if we got mean, and make up and we are cool again. We dont argue all the time tho. A lot of the time we are laughing, or he is getting me to laugh.


We dont normally hangout at school. We talk on computer sometimes, and in person as well. It's funny because I when I first met him, I couldnt stand him at all. Then over the years it all changed.


Just last year a lot of people told me out of random that they think he likes me. And i wouldnt believe it because when I asked him he said no, only as a friend. The thing is, he stares at me all the time. And I see him randomly watching. It's like I turn around and there he is, standing with his friends and looking. And everytime he stares deep into my eyes, and I just cant help but wonder why.


Then we get closer every once in a while. Especailly on the computer. I was a very secretitive person so I never told my feelings aloud. I am scared of love and never fall, I'm the type to be like he's a boy I will get over it, and I've done that for years. This time it's different.


I told him how I felt after the fact he argues about that I should stay single because it's better for me. And then a few months ago his friend pretended to be him and talked to me on computer. After his friend did that him and I got closer because he told me that it wasnt him and after that we talked a lot. We got really..personal.


Then I told him and asked him straight out after he drove me nuts and said that why cant I just say how I really feel, so I did. But then he told me he didnt like me in more then a friend. Then later on in the convo out of noweres he said "jenn, you have no idea...sometimes I just think of you in the day, and I wish we were closer..and on and on.


Then he told me it's complicated and he cant say anything because he is swarn to secerecy, which made me angry because he got mad at me for being soo secret. After that night..we hardly talked.


Then a week later...I was at the basketball game..where he showed up whcih surprised me. He came over and said hi and asked me how I was. I played it cool and then he came and sat by me and we talked alittle. It's weird becausewhen we are close..it's like he's nervous too..and he tries to impress me by doing little things.


And now we still are at school..and I decided to let him go and everytime I tuen around, he's looking at me with the same look everytime. He never looks away...I always do.


When we were younger I used to actually think he liked me, and my friends think he somewhat does now. They see him watching all the time. The friends him and I are both friends with say we act like a couple..fight like one as well.


Every year we get closer...but it's never really enough because he says he dont like me. I know we have different friends..he is mostly friends with everyone..except a lot of those people are snobby and think they are better then everyone else. His friends always watch as well. I honestly cant go to many places without coming there way and them staring. The thing is, I'm not friends with most of them.


I dont get along with most of the girls..and I'm not sure why. But you know girls at this age..one day they like you the next day they dont, or they want to steal your boyfriend. I dont like that drama. I stay out of it.


Anyways this is short form of all the things that happened. But it's the same thing all the time. Can you please explain to me why? Is it because I'm not in with his guys? Why does he stare at me soo intensely? Even in class.


The thing is..he wont tell me the truth...maybe i'll never know..but at least i'll have someones opinions. Thanks for your time.

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Sounds to me as though he likes you a lot. Love is a pretty strong emotion and I think if he loved you he would do more, or confess it to you. Sounds like he is just really interested in you and likes you a lot - but that's still a good thing!

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