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Overreacting? Hell, no! You're doing anything but. See, on the surface nothing 'dodgy' is going on, everyone's smiling, everyone's friendly, a few people maybe flirting but that's about it. You know this, yet there's still a small voice inside you that's telling you that something is just not right. Listen to that voice. It's your early warning signal, and mine very very very rarely lets me down.


Don't waste time trying to convince your boyfriend of this girl's motives. It'll take you way more time and energy than you have right now, plus you could easily damage your relationship with your bf in the process if you go about it the wrong way. If anything he needs to be kept in the dark about this and believe me, what he doesn't know will not hurt him!


This is about another girl trying to move in on your man and it's up to you to make sure she doesn't get her way. You have to get her right out of the picture - once a threat, always a threat. If this was happening to me, I'd bail her up and in no uncertain terms put the fear of god into her. Yet this sort of impulsiveness has gotten me in trouble before because they'll usually go and rat to your bf. You have to find some sort of middleground, some way to make sure she backs right off and gives the two of you a wide berth, while at the same time being certain that she can't use it to get in the good books with your bf.


Don't even allow yourself to wonder if you're overreacting or doing the wrong thing - believe me, give someone like that the benefit of the doubt and she'll be off into the sunset with your man before you can even blink.

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