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Ex a year ago wanted to hang out!

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Here is my story im 20 she's 20 too. She is my 1st love and i m her 1st love too we were together for 1 year and after a year our relationship went bad and agreed to broke up with each other and its been a year now since we broke up and we always had transportation problem we had no money to affort a new car we always stucked at home whenever we're bored. Now all of sudden she wanted to hang out ?


why is this suddenly happen to me? and we had been seeing each other every weekday at work, we work at the same place for about 2 years already and she having a new bf now they were together almost half a year now right after a few months later after we broke up. She asked me to hang out after i got my new car..


My new car still on the way its my first car =) and she knew that i bought a new car..She even said if i want to hang out with her when i got my new car give her a call and she will be waiting for me to pick her up..We had broke NC every few months just chatting through online.We did hang out once when the day suppose to be our 2nd anniversary and she didn tell her bf about it.Since then i havent hang out with her.


Something i had relise too that when i'm with her she know i always wanted to smoke but she didn let so i quit smoking when i m with her and after we broke up she find out that i smoke with my buddy at work..When she find out after few months i smoke she starting to smoke with her friends too this is real funny..lol..What do u guys think ? She's a party girl though..What is she thinking ? ! Arent she love her bf now ? or is she still thinking abt me or wanted to get back ? She even give some mix-signal expect to getting back together through online chatting. What do you guys think ?


I will love to appreciate your advises and commects THANKS!! Pls help..im really confused.

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Santiago 17

Dude, your story is so similar to mine it is scary. My ex and I broke up last sep, and we just now started talking and I got a new car too, and she said she knew that b/c she drove by and saw it. She has a new bf too and we even talk about their problems, I am fine w/ it b/c I know that at least right now we would never work together. However, sometimes she sends me emails telling me how great I am or we talk for like an hour on the phone and it kinda makes me sad, and I really don't know how much her new bf knows about us talking. You never know w/ some people. It's funny b/c the reason my ex and I broke up was partly due to her talking to her ex before me and hiding it from me. She admits to me now that she was comparing him and me. Just be very careful b/c I think it might just be a way to keep us on the back-burner just in case. Doesn't it suck when you post and no one replies?

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Dude, your story is so similar to mine it is scary. My ex and I broke up last sep, and we just now started talking and I got a new car too, and she said she knew that b/c she drove by and saw it. She has a new bf too and we even talk about their problems, I am fine w/ it b/c I know that at least right now we would never work together. However, sometimes she sends me emails telling me how great I am or we talk for like an hour on the phone and it kinda makes me sad, and I really don't know how much her new bf knows about us talking. You never know w/ some people. It's funny b/c the reason my ex and I broke up was partly due to her talking to her ex before me and hiding it from me. She admits to me now that she was comparing him and me. Just be very careful b/c I think it might just be a way to keep us on the back-burner just in case. Doesn't it suck when you post and no one replies?


Yea i will watch out..Thx for you replied...Yea it does suck when no1 wants to reply..=(

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