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31y/o Husband Kills Wife's OM aged 18

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well hubby will be having affair with big BUBBA soon and his wife will be free from her prison marriage. She can now date whoever she wants.

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well hubby will be having affair with big BUBBA soon and his wife will be free from her prison marriage. She can now date whoever she wants.


Let's hope she doesn't continue to look to her students as her dating pool.

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One of the most dangerous people on this earth is a jealous husband who's just found out someone's shagging his wife.

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It's ashamed that young man died, however, he played with fire and got burnt up! That's the danger in having affairs, people getting killed. IMO, this woman who did this, I hope she realizes what SHE has caused. I don't care if people say what business is it to anyone, or to her husband what she was doing, he was doing the best he could, and still he got screwed. Another typical case of "when mamma plays, daddy pays"!

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It's ashamed that young man died, however, he played with fire and got burnt up! That's the danger in having affairs, people getting killed. IMO, this woman who did this, I hope she realizes what SHE has caused. I don't care if people say what business is it to anyone, or to her husband what she was doing, he was doing the best he could, and still he got screwed. Another typical case of "when mamma plays, daddy pays"!


I have been coming to this forum quite a bit and I read words from the betrayed spouse right in this forum. But usually the BS is a woman. So you are jealous, angry, and acting on your emotions and the next thing you nkow, you harm the other person. I wonder how many BS have done something malicious or vindictive. And sadly, I see a lot of support from other betrayed spouses by cheering the bitter BS to seek revenge.


And I think it was refreshing to see that the newscaster wasn't empathetic with the man for killing the young boy.


And as I read some of the answers in this forum, why is it the woman's fault? I mean, yes she possible screwed around on her husband. But if it had been a man that was sleepign wtih a female student and the wife killed the other woman, would all BS root for her?

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