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This isnt such a big deal..just something that kind of gets to me..


my b/f has had a busy week and we usually see each other tonight..but he has to do something til 8:30 and then drops off his friend..i would meet him at 9 and travel to see him for about an hour..30 minutes more than usual(total of an hour or a little more) it probably will be bacause of where he will be at..i told him this and then he says are you sure it pays? so i said well if you dont want me to, i wont..he said thats not what he said and if you are going to get here at 9 or 9:30, i am going to be tired by 11 or 11:30 no matter what..he said he always wants to see me and i am more than welcome to come but he is also fine waiting til the next day too...it kind of makes me mad even though he was throwing out nice comments..b/c i feel like its more me who wants to see him with him saying you are more than welcome to come and he is fine waiting til the next day.


I even asked well what do you think i should do and he said its totally up to me ( in a nice way of course). I was going to come without a doubt UNTIL he said yesterday what he said..i feel like if he is fine waiting til the next day, then why should i bother? I guess i would have rather him said i will be tired just so you know and will not be up late at all but i still would like to see you. He leaves it open ended i feel where if i want to see him tonight its ok and if i dont thats ok too...would anyone else be slightly annoyed by it and not bother to go meet him?

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I think you're getting annoyed by something really, really small. It sounds like he's only saying that out of his concern for you. Wouldn't you feel bad if someone was driving an hour out to see you, only to be able to spend a couple hours with you before you fell asleep?


I don't think the problem here is that he is less eager to see you, rather, he doesn't know if it is worth the trouble. Calm down.

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i just feel he is making it one sided or something..you are more than welcome to come, but i am fine waiting til tomorrow...i dunno..i see it as indifferent or something..i feel like it could have been worded such as well you know i will be very tired but i still wanna see you for an hour or 2.

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i was going to come until all of that..now i dont know if i really should go since afterall, he will be fine waiting til tomorrow when we havent seen each other since saturday..it just got under my skin..i wonder if anyone else would feel the same.

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Instead of being upset, you could look at it as him being concerned for you having to drive all that time just for a couple of hours. You don't have to think of it as him saying it's not worth it to him, but he's worried that it's not worth it to you to do that. You could take the perspective that he's being a nice guy and is being considerate of you.


That you even put this in the cheating, flirting, and jealousy section says a lot about your frame of mind in this relationship and your insecurities. Is there any way you can relax and calm down and look at things from a more positive light instead of jumping to the worst possible perspectives and conclusions? I think you'd be a lot happier if you could give him the benefit of the doubt instead of always finding the worst possible interpretation of what he's doing.

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i posted it in the wrong area..i donot think at all this has something to do with cheating flirting or jealousy.


But the thing is..norajane--wouldnt that bother you if your b/f NEVER said i know i will be only up for a few hours but come anyway, i would like to see you...instead--he says are you sure it pays, i always want to see you..but then says i'm fine waiting til tomorrow.

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I probably wouldn't go, but not because of what he said. I wouldn't go because it would not be worth it to me to drive for an hour only to see him for a couple hours. I'd rather wait until we could really spend some quality time together.


It's more likely that I would have been the one to tell him let's wait until tomorrow since you'll be tired tonight. In fact, I've said such things many times.

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i hear you.


The thing is--that pretty much is our schedule for the most part except a little earlier..either its around 7:45 when he meets me or when i come see him i get there about 8:45..its not much of a difference which is why i am little upset also by this..its not like we usually meet at 5pm and this is such a huge difference you know what i mean?

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The way I see it, if you continue to dissect and read into every little comment made by your BF, you're going to miss out on your own life.


i couldnt agree more..good advice

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Jesus Christ!


Girl you are really really into the small things.


Geeze be happy that he is not beating on you or cheating on you or OMG picking up hookers ect ect.


Be happy that the lil things that annoy you that he does are small.

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I agree, it is most likely that he just has your best interest in mind and is trying to be practical. It would be nice if he was more romantic instead though..........

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Jesus Christ!


Girl you are really really into the small things.


Geeze be happy that he is not beating on you or cheating on you or OMG picking up hookers ect ect.


Be happy that the lil things that annoy you that he does are small.

I don'y know who you think you are but you should leave this poor girl alone!!!

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I don'y know who you think you are but you should leave this poor girl alone!!!



Hey I happen to agree with what evil lacey said. God if you are going to nit pick over these little things the relationship will never last!!!!

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Hey I happen to agree with what evil lacey said. God if you are going to nit pick over these little things the relationship will never last!!!!

While I agree that nitpicking is not good, and it does seem to be what she is doing, wouldn't you want a guy who was aching to see you even for a little bit?

That's the difference between an nice guy boyfriend and a passionate lover.

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I don'y know who you think you are but you should leave this poor girl alone!!!


Who are you? Her freaking WHITE KNIGHT or something????




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while i agree and trying to see what many are trying to say..i disagree completely with everything evil lacey said to me.


Just b/c my b/f is not picking up hookers i have absolutely no reason to complain about even small things? give me a break..a b.f should not be doing those things anyway..if those things did occur then i would be gone and in a normal relationship--its other things that bother people not the picking up hookers b/c it shouldnt be happening. Maybe you are trying to mean that there are just bigger things to worry about than this..i have not even brought this up to him--just posted here and wont say anything either..it is just something that gets under my skin and just like one person said wouldnt you want your b/f say..i will be tired but i havent seen you in a few days so the 2 hours will be worth it rather than its ok i see you tomorrow which has been said to me before.

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Plokette.... Have you read the other MULTIPLE posts that this girl has made about the SMALLEST things? ;)


sungrl, I wouldn't worry about it. Honestly...don't sweat the small stuff. I'm madly in love with my boyfriend but I've told him that we can "just wait until tomorrow" to see each other if I was tired/or he was tired...it's not the end of the world. It doesn't mean he doesn't care enough about you or the relationship. Sorry to be blunt, but it seems like you're analyzing this relationship and him to death.

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