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should i just get over it...

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She has feelings for my man. She told me he was her other boyfriend. And I took him away from her.


She kicked me out because he spent all his time with me and not her anymore.


It is different. Its not a normal swinging party. She liked him, she tells every girl that came his way about it to make them look at him different.


I've been doing my best not to look at him different. everyone makes horny poor chioces in life. I just think she tries to play it off like its nothing, and then freaked out when he and I fell in love. Because he wasn't there to do whatever she wanted anymore.


I know it was before me, but I have to see these people all the time. And I want to get over it! So badly I don't want this to bother me. He's done so much to make me more comfortable. I know he wants me. I know he would never be with her.


I just wanted to make sure I wasn't being a fool and saying oh no big deal. because Sex can be casual but when you get family members involved its nothing something you can just walk away from and be done with.


So I'll just keep trying to let it go and not let it bother me. Its a hard task and maybe it going to take me time.

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She has feelings for my man. She told me he was her other boyfriend. And I took him away from her.


She kicked me out because he spent all his time with me and not her anymore.


It is different. Its not a normal swinging party. She liked him, she tells every girl that came his way about it to make them look at him different.


I've been doing my best not to look at him different. everyone makes horny poor chioces in life. I just think she tries to play it off like its nothing, and then freaked out when he and I fell in love. Because he wasn't there to do whatever she wanted anymore.


I know it was before me, but I have to see these people all the time. And I want to get over it! So badly I don't want this to bother me. He's done so much to make me more comfortable. I know he wants me. I know he would never be with her.


I just wanted to make sure I wasn't being a fool and saying oh no big deal. because Sex can be casual but when you get family members involved its nothing something you can just walk away from and be done with.


So I'll just keep trying to let it go and not let it bother me. Its a hard task and maybe it going to take me time.


If she kicked you out, then it's not over between them. Run! Go out and get laid. Then you'll feel better. No strings, just do it. But be safe...

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It wasn't over for her. you are right. Thats why it bothers me.


Its over for him (he says) he moved out and told her to she was only his brothers wife.


I'm not a swinger. Technically no one is a swinger.


She kicked me out months ago. and he didn't move out so I broke up with him. And he said he wanted me and only me and I was crazy....and he moved out and told her to leave him alone. So I thought I'd give it another chance. And everything has been great.


she doesn't call or hang out with us or him. We go on our own vacations and do our own thing on the weekend. We see them for family dinner and thats pretty much it.


It was over for him, I believe that. Just not for her. She was happy with what she had. A fiance who let her do whatever she wanted...and his brother to keep her company.


can you see why it bothers me. But I do realize I have to not let it bother me. Because its her deal now not mine. I have to make it be that way. Because he is with me.

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and no offense but sleeping around doesn't solve problems.


Maybe it feels good for the time being but when you wake up the problems is still there.


I'd rather give my boyfriend the benefit of the doubt and believe what he tells me. I mean if there was something still going on then he would have told me to shove it and stayed where he was. But he didn't he moved out and is with me.

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