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Thought I was settled

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So I've been dating my boyfriend for almost 3 years. We're in college now and are still dating eachother. Though we're not as romantic anymore but we still love eachother.


Well... at the beginning of this month, I met this other guy in one of my classes- he's really fun to talk to. I've only known him for less than a month but it feels like I've known him forever. We get along with eachother real well- I was surprised. We'd work on homework together all the time because we were in the same class, and we'd slack off sometimes and go out to get a bite to eat.


I was with my current boyfriend one night when I noticed something was different. I couldn't stop thinking about the guy I had become friends with. Even while we were intimate with eachother, I couldn't get him out of my head. I was afraid that my boyfriend wouldn't let me see him anymore- like he'd get jealous or something. So I wouldn't tell him I was hanging out with this guy. I'm not cheating on him or anything- trust me I wouldn't do that to him.


The thing is- I don't know exactly how i feel about my new friend. Do I like him? I keep thinking about it. Then i thought about what my mom had told me. She said that I shouldn't be in a relationship with the same guy for this long, when I'm this young (i'm 19). Especially since I'm in college- where you meet a ton of new people. But at the time that she told me this, I was content with how things were with my boyfriend and I and so ignored her advice. Now, about a year later, I feel like I'm not. Like this relationship is getting too old- What if I meet another guy that I might be interested in? Would I be in this same dilemma again?


Maybe I am getting tired of my boyfriend. I don't know. Ask me anything to figure myself out! I need help! :( Any advice would be appreciated!

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