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same girl new problem

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well ive posted before about the same girl who we'll call "A" LoL basically quick facts ive been really sweet to her compared to her ex's but everytime i asked her out she kept saying she wasnt ready. i asked her out a in february an she said yes but we only went out for like 3 days before she broke up with me saying she wasnt ready. she said she went out with me cuz she didnt wanna lose me as a friend. so fast forward a few months after ignoring her a bit cuz she kinda broke my heart i told her i was okay with us being friends. so on monday am walking in the hallway and i run into her and its just me and her so i said hi and was gonna keep walking but she hugged me so i was lik aright.... but i hugged her back the period after that i was walking with a girl whom am good friends with but we arent attracted like that contrary to what people think. well i was walking with my her and "A" touched me on my arm and i was looked at her and said hi but didnt do more than than that. the next day "A" ignored me she hasnt she hasnt looked at me said anything to me at all just ignoring me. I dont know could it be because shes jealous and wants me back now?

input plz


p.s there is soo much more to this story that i dont have time to write

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She's probably just jealous that you aren't giving all of your attention to her, even though she doesn't want all of your attention when you are together. Some people are just egotistical that way.

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Don't get caught up in her mind games. Go out and have a good time and stop thinking what anyone else thinks. Next thing, you'l be twisted around her little finger.


What a loser!

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Yeah why dont you just ask her? Dont jump to conclusions that just messes everything up and then things get weird. Just ask hey are you ok today?


She might just be mad because the attention was not on her. I know sooo many girls like that. Their motto is "I dont want him but I want him to want me and no one else" How mean is that right?


If she is jealous then good. lol :)


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blackdood 2 lazy

aright well i went up to her today and was like "hey why are you ignoring me?" and she said she wasnt so i said umm yeah you havent even loooked in my direction and she replied that she wasnt talking 2 me cuz she said hi 2 me but i ignored her which i didnt so i just was like w/e and walked away. I think the attention suggestion is a good one because i have been payimg the other girl lots of attetion even tho we are friend. but also my friend who is the girl ive been paying attetion to alot cuz she gives me advice about the girl says that she probably wants me back idk. i like her but she kept saying she wasnt ready and didnt wanna lose me as a friend.


ps sorry i was too lazy 2 login

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should have logged in b4


anywayz i went up to her today "cuz she looked really great" but thats beside the point i asked her why she was ignoring me and she said she wasnt so i was like. um yeah you havent said anything to me all week or looked at me.To which she replied well i said hi to you the other day and you ignored me, which i didnt do cuz when she said hi on monday i replied. so i was like w/e and walked away from her. I definatly think its the attention thing so is that a good thing cuz i still like her but and ipurposly toned down the attention i give her. And i also think she might be a twinge jealous. I think she wants me back but she just wants to make it hard or something idk

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Hahaha this sooo reminds me of when i was in high school. I was that girl...:o Yeah, something ive regret ever since! Let me tell you what she's doing, if she's anything like me. (and if she is...tell her to watch her back! Karma is a biiiitch!!!)

She loves the attention you give her but she does not really see herself with you. she tried to be with you but felt she just couldnt do it (be thankful it only lasted a few dates! i dragged it out on and off for two years! poor poor guy!) Ofcourse she's gonna be jealous, to her you're her "sure guy" the one she knows she can have whenever she wants. As soon as she saw you talking to someone else she's thinking "wait wait wait no...he's mine! he likes me! he cant like anyone else!!!" and then she might try to get back with you to show the other girl, you and even herself that she can have you whenever she wants. After a while though, the whole "ehh i dont really like this guy" will pop up again and she's gonna dump you....and then!!! if she ever gets bored, heartbroken or anything like that, she's gonna try to get back with you AGAIN. Now....this doesnt mean she's using you. Or well this coming from my perspective. I never used this guy. I liked him a lot.....as a person....and to this day, about oh...5 years later, i still think he's the only guy who truly cared for me and I regret i couldnt feel the same. The thing is that she just doesnt like you enough to be with you, and ur bassically her back up plan. DONT BE HER BACKUP PLAN cuz you're gonna end up hating her and feeling really really stupid

and the whole friends thing...do it only if you mean it. If you think itll lead to something else...it migth...but not what you hoped for. Im telling you...listen to the experience of about 7 years and the point of view of the girl.

Good luck!

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you said

he said she went out with me cuz she didnt wanna lose me as a friend.


you are officially backup penis no matter what. run for the hills. women aren't that damn complicated :sick:

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well ive posted before about the same girl who we'll call "A" LoL basically quick facts ive been really sweet to her compared to her ex's but everytime i asked her out she kept saying she wasnt ready. i asked her out a in february an she said yes but we only went out for like 3 days before she broke up with me saying she wasnt ready. she said she went out with me cuz she didnt wanna lose me as a friend. so fast forward a few months after ignoring her a bit cuz she kinda broke my heart i told her i was okay with us being friends. so on monday am walking in the hallway and i run into her and its just me and her so i said hi and was gonna keep walking but she hugged me so i was lik aright.... but i hugged her back the period after that i was walking with a girl whom am good friends with but we arent attracted like that contrary to what people think. well i was walking with my her and "A" touched me on my arm and i was looked at her and said hi but didnt do more than than that. the next day "A" ignored me she hasnt she hasnt looked at me said anything to me at all just ignoring me. I dont know could it be because shes jealous and wants me back now?

input plz


p.s there is soo much more to this story that i dont have time to write


Are you sure you're a man? Your post reads like something out of the metrosexual handbook. You're analyzing ever last detail like a schoolgirl here.


Allow the master to help.


Pay little attention to her, if possible nail one of her friends-HARD, don't forget a little doggie and hair pulling, a little smack on the fanny while she rides you cowgirl doesn't hurt either.


Nail as many girls as you can, don't bother to shower after sex, go out with that scent ON YOU, it's like Spanish Fly.


Swagger around like you could care less and can nail any chick you encounter, show them you could care less if they're not interested in you, and you will lead a life of women chasing you instead of contemplating your own navel and looking for sympathy on message boards.

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well the thing about her is i think i kinda pressured her into going out with me when she wasnt ready cuz believe me shes been through some stuff that would warrant not being ready. But i kept asking anyways see when i asked her the last time i told her "i didnt wanna be just friends". Does that change anything?

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WAKE UP! She already tried being with you and it didnt work. The only reason shes upset now is because you were ignoring her and talking with another girl. Instead of wasting your time and energy trying to figure her out..you should be figuring out how to get with the other girl you were walking with.


This girl is a combination of what I like to call a "crybaby/attention whore" She likes people to feel sorry for her with her " I was so hurt' stories and she loves the attention shes gets from it.


She doesnt want you but she doesnt want any other girl with you. Its an ego thing with her. Move on.


Really move on.



This is EC BTW didnt log in w/e :)

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