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Question About Energy Drinks

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Are those Energy Drinks that you see at the gas station (Redbull, Monster, Amp, etc....) Do they really work? and what are the good and the bad effects of long term use of these drinks.

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Are those Energy Drinks that you see at the gas station (Redbull, Monster, Amp, etc....) Do they really work? and what are the good and the bad effects of long term use of these drinks.


Do they make you more alert for short periods of time? Yes - but so does coffee.


"Energy" drinks are nothing more than a particularly high concentration of sugar and caffeine. They're not a good way to get more energy. You can go to a smoothie store and get some fruit smoothies with the protein mixed in, and that can be a good short-term (and somewhat healthier) alternative. But energy drinks are just another in a long line of health fads which aren't what they're cracked up to be. The best way to get more energy is the old fashioned way: good sleep, good diet and regular exercise. A bit of coffee in the morning never hurt anyone, but basically juices, teas, water and non-carbonated and low-caffeinated beverages, plus a balanced diet are the way to go.

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Well I know that they are not good for you at all but the one I was drinking for a while became slightly addicitve probably because of the massive amounts of caffiene I am not a huge soda drinker more of water, tea, and juices. But... Sobe Adrenaline crossed my path (they are not cheap either 2.59 a can for the bigger ones) Long story short I was drinking them two and three times a day!! Well when I couldnt afford them I would head aches, and be so grumpy!


I work nights so I wake up around 2pm and getting up without a Sobe at my side was very difficult sometimes. Yes I did get energy but not the kind you want to get. I would agree with above poster the smoothie thing is a really good idea. They are awesome but to much of anything is never good. Steer clear of all the energy drinks not to mention over 50 bucks a week on energy drinks... WOW no good

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