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A Pill to Swallow?

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I'll try to keep this as short and to the point as possible even though thats not really my style. And for the sake of privacy, lets call the two people in this story Jack and Jill.


Jack and Jill live together, and have been for going on a year now. They have been good friends ever since our other friend (lets call him Bob) invited Jill to move in while Bob and Jack were living together. It might be noteworthy here to mention that Jack, Bob and myself have been good friends for going on 11 years at this point. Anyway, so Jack, Jill and Bob are all living together in a two bedroom apt. Bob and Jill had worked together and were pretty good friends until he got this wierd posessive crush on her and drove her away. She ended up staying most nights in Jacks room which inevitably started their friendship on its course.


Without going into painful details, Bob, as it turns out is just a horrible human being, and the living arrangement broke apart and now Bob lives alone while Jack and Jill found a new place together. So where to I come in? Well with any group of three friends there tends to be two dominant and one that just isnt. While Jack and Bob were living together, i was living in another town concentrating on school and not really hanging out with them as much. We just all had our seperate lives. Since the split, ive started to hang out with Jack a lot more, and thus hanging out with Jill a lot more. I first met her at a party a few years back when Bob and I lived together. She had a few too many drinks, and came into the room where i was and just started talking to me like she knew me. She claims that she was hitting on me back then, but i dont recall and she was drunk so, whatever.


My issue at the moment is the fact that having spent the last few months hanging out with my old fiend and his new female companion, i am finding myself very drawn to her. I had always been attracted to her, but it was only physical. Yet, after helping me out of a difficult time in my life after barely knowing me and getting to know who she is, i find that i am highly attracted to her for who she is. and while all this sounds all well and good, there is an issue that is, for lack of a better word, complicated. Jack and Jill relationship, while strickly friends in their terms, has many boundary issues. For instance, she sleeps in his bed 90% of the time, they have been intimate with each other, and if one of them has a family outting, they always bring along the other as if they were a couple/married. According to her, she has had the relationship talk with him and he is 100% against it. He is standing firm on declaring that there will never be a future between the two of them. On the other hand, being suspicious of the relationship, i sat jack down to talk about it and to tell him that i was attracted to her. (i think that is just the guy code. you dont give another man's girl a foot massage.) he assures me that he has no feelings for her when i bring the two of them up, yet when i tell him i am attracted to her, he says "as long as it doesnt go any further".


that converstation took place about 3 months ago. since then, jack and jill seem to get into petty fights about all the small things and i have become the person she goes to for support. (jack is kind of a private person and doesnt really talk about things to other people) where once the two of them thought of renuing their lease or getting a house, there is now a good chance they will move apart when the lease ends. it also seems like she has some sort of feelings for me as well just by the way she has been acting. if she finds out that im coming over she will spend the day before (if she knows in advance) making the apartment spotless so that it looks nice. or she will rearrange her whole day just so she can get off work early to spend more time with me. ill be the first to admit i cant tell when a girl is into me, but i just have a feeling.


what i am curious about is, do i mention it to her that i like her and try to persue a possible relationship? do i sit my best friend down and talk to him about it again? if he is so against a relationship with her, i think he only doesnt want her dating so he can keep her around for comfort. if he isnt ok with it, i know i couldnt go through with it. ive been on the other end of this situation and it sucks. im just not sure what to do at this juncture. i think about her all day, and talking on aim at work doesnt help. im just not sure what road to take on this one. i could tell her and have her feel the same way and possably lose my friend of 10 years (which really isnt an option). she could not be into me and make it really awkward when im around her. or i could keep it inside and let it fester. this would just really be a hard pill to swallow, and ive already swallowed my fair share of pills lately.


any advice, comments, support is greatly appreciated. thanks in advance.


- Agahnim


guess it didnt turn out so short after all.

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I can't really follow all the story except that Jill and Jacks relationship is alot more complicated than "just friends".


In which case you should probably steer clear, as someone will inevitably end up getting hurt, or a friendship will suffer.


I would just let this one go if I were you.

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