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Do married men always flirt with a motive?

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There's this guy who is married, 12 years older than me (I'm in my mid 20s), and I always get the impression that he's flirting. There is a lot of staring from him...The other day I caught myself looking at him while he talked to somebody else (I was in line waiting to talk to him too, and interested in the info he was giving the to the other person) and he was talking to her, holding MY gaze...then he lost track of what he was saying, continued to stare at me, started talking again,still staring...then I looked down.


He always stares at me when he walks by, always finds things to talk to me about, and lately he has NOT been shy about letting his eyes move further down on my body! He always looks at my mouth when we're talking.There have been a few hints dropped, but I could never reply! There have been too many other things that have happened (looks, little hints, like - we were discussing the role of beauty in women's power, he looked up from the paper he was reading, looked right in my eyes, down at my breasts and back into my eyes, as he said:"Yes, beautiful women ARE powerful..."), but too many to mention in one post.


I don't want a relationship with him, I was just wondering if married guys who do this, do it for the thrill of it, or if when it's extended like this (it's been going on for a couple of months), does it mean that they have a motive? What has been your experience?

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They may not always have a motive of cheating on their wives, but they sure do like the attention and admiration from an attractive woman. Consider that as he's staring at you, YOU are also staring at him, looking into his eyes, holding his gaze. MM gets off on that kind of attention - makes him feel like he's still 'got it'.

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Yeah exactly, I am not married, I am only 20 and waiting for that with my girlfriend, but I saw a post somewhere else that suggested married men possibly do this just for the 'thrill' almost.


They will do it just to see whether they would still be able to 'pull' someone I should say, but would wee themselves if it came to anything more and probably lose interest, wanting to find someone new if you see how I mean.

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