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Hmm, what's my ex up to?

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As for "getting under someone else" that isn't me. Maybe it works for some but my religion (and my heart) says it isn't right for me.


Then just get out there and flirt. Enjoy fun and harmless flirting to make you feel good, even if nothing happens.

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Then just get out there and flirt. Enjoy fun and harmless flirting to make you feel good, even if nothing happens.


Heh. The assumption here is that I am not. When someone catches my eye, I talk to them. The problem is I haven't met anyone that has really interested me.


Dating in "Kaulifornia" is tough business.

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The problem is I haven't met anyone that has really interested me.

I can relate with that statement.

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I can relate with that statement.


It's not like I don't want to get out and date. I do.

It's not like I haven't tried or put any effort into keeping my eyes open.


It's just the quality of people available is just not that great. I'm not bad mouthing others and I certainly don't mean to. I just feel like I bring a lot to the table and so should my S/O, ya know? I understand some baggage but sheesh, the amount of baggage a lot of the women I have met have could fill up the baggage claim at LAX! ;)

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Teddy and Jane
Geez, CG - everyone's got to let off a bit of steam every now and then...


go find yourself a hot blondie gal.

I find it funny that people will encourage people to go out and use someone simply for the purpose of sex and getting over an ex. Then on another post, a poster will post that they had sex with a guy and he never called, of course he is a total jerk.

So...no, it is not the answer to go out and have a fling and use someone else for sex. why do people think casual sex and one-night stands are fun? they're not. They're gross.

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I find it funny that people will encourage people to go out and use someone simply for the purpose of sex and getting over an ex. Then on another post, a poster will post that they had sex with a guy and he never called, of course he is a total jerk.

So...no, it is not the answer to go out and have a fling and use someone else for sex. why do people think casual sex and one-night stands are fun? they're not. They're gross.


Not my style or my belief either. All it does it cause more headaches.

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You really sound very immature and living in a romantic dream world. I would suggest you read your entire post if you doubt my analysis. :rolleyes:

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You really sound very immature and living in a romantic dream world. I would suggest you read your entire post if you doubt my analysis. :rolleyes:


What are you talking about?

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What are you talking about?


I'm talking about a 384 post in which you can't get over the ex and you want sympathy because you can't find a replacement for her. Read it over and see what kind of advice you would give the poster if it wasn't you.

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I'm talking about a 384 post in which you can't get over the ex and you want sympathy because you can't find a replacement for her. Read it over and see what kind of advice you would give the poster if it wasn't you.


Gee thanks.


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I really really wonder why some people even want there ex's back, i would never want mines back, becuz we all know we could never get away with some of the things that our exs pulled.


Some ex'es are jus not worth it, i mean they've been used by numerous guys and been played, everyones f***** them.


Any good guy or any good girl automattically deserves someone thats crazy about them, u deserve to be treated like a queen or king.



And guys u have to remember the ex's are the one that messed up not yall, they should be doin the worrying, becuz its gone come a time that there gonna want u back. My ex wanted me back but she had been played by many guys and had been made out of a hoe, and had lost her dignity.


Were always sayin a girl wont want us if we lose our dignity but if they ever come runnin back its becuz things didnt work out, or in most cases becuz they really made a mistake. And ull find someway wayyyyy better than ur ex, so why should we take them back if there pitiful and lost there dignity and ull find some more beautiful more smarter more sexier whatever ur looking for out of 3 billion females in this world shes out there. I found a girl that i really love nd we jsu fit better in everyway also add thats shes to damn sexi


God god himself couldnt make me wanna take my ex back, becuz shes jus worthless, besides im to great to bow down to anyone else im superior.


And if you love someone ull take them back whatever they do its called unconditonally love, but i guess i wasnt in love.


I Understand how caliguy is feeling, so i dont have any problems with the what hes goin thru becuz i went thru that stage

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Is she still checking your website as of late?


Well now that you mention it let me see.


Yep. She checked this morning.


Same thing. Right to the blog. Not sure why. I never mention her, ever. Most of the blog stuff is just general "Hey this is what happened this week."


Happily engaged women should not be checking up on their ex's. Maybe it is time to block her?

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maybe bait her by saying something that might prompt her to respond... that would most likely take some creative thoughts.


then see if she bites by not being able to resist what you have put out there...


hmmm - just a thought to get things either stirred or settled....

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I really really wonder why some people even want there ex's back, i would never want mines back, becuz we all know we could never get away with some of the things that our exs pulled.


You know, I don't know that I want her back. I think I just miss being in love.


Some ex'es are jus not worth it, i mean they've been used by numerous guys and been played, everyones f***** them.


She was.


Any good guy or any good girl automattically deserves someone thats crazy about them, u deserve to be treated like a queen or king.


I agree 1000 percent.


And guys u have to remember the ex's are the one that messed up not yall, they should be doin the worrying, becuz its gone come a time that there gonna want u back. My ex wanted me back but she had been played by many guys and had been made out of a hoe, and had lost her dignity.


Well in my ex's case, she apparently has a guy that wants to marry her and treats her well and she said yes. That's the issue I have is if she's so dang happy, why bother reading up on me? She virtually stalked me for 2 months (nearly 20 visits a month) and she's still checking the site.


Were always sayin a girl wont want us if we lose our dignity but if they ever come runnin back its becuz things didnt work out, or in most cases becuz they really made a mistake. And ull find someway wayyyyy better than ur ex, so why should we take them back if there pitiful and lost there dignity and ull find some more beautiful more smarter more sexier whatever ur looking for out of 3 billion females in this world shes out there. I found a girl that i really love nd we jsu fit better in everyway also add thats shes to damn sexi



I honestly believe someone way better for me will come along in due time. I've never thought otherwise. I guess what's pressing me is my age (38). I want a family and kids and all that good old "baseball, hotdogs, apple pie, chevrolet (or in my case, Toyota)." The wife, 2.5 kids, 3 bedroom, 2 car house with a white picket fence.


Yeah, I am a romantic at heart. A dreamer. SO WHAT!? :)


God god himself couldnt make me wanna take my ex back, becuz shes jus worthless, besides im to great to bow down to anyone else im superior.


Well I don't think of myself as above or below anyone. God made us all the same, we're just different in different ways.


And if you love someone ull take them back whatever they do its called unconditonally love, but i guess i wasnt in love.


Unconditional love does not mean you take someone back that treated you badly or you think they will still treat you badly. Unconditional love means you love them despite their faults. But, you only accept faults that are not going to cause you physical or emotional pain. In other words, if their faults are cheating, lying, etc then those are faults you can not accept. Period.


Faults you can accept are things like absent-mindedness, a quirk, etc. Not character flaws that are harmful to you.


I Understand how caliguy is feeling, so i dont have any problems with the what hes goin thru becuz i went thru that stage


Well in my case, I'm not sitting around waiting for her to come back. All this crap started when I noticed the plethora of web site visits. I just didn't understand why someone who was happily engaged was so engrossed with my life.


But again, she hasn't really made any attempts to contact me other than what happened at the funeral. I haven't made any attempts either.

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Maybe it is time to block her?


A.) you block her... .she WILL make contact.

B.) you take the site down... she WILL make contact.

C.) you leave it up... and you'll reach 1,000 posts on this thread with no conclusions and no answers.


take it down temporarily....


she's using the site to keep tabs on you. She doesn't HAVE to contact you cause she's getting everything she wants to know from your site.... for whatever reasons.

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maybe bait her by saying something that might prompt her to respond... that would most likely take some creative thoughts.


then see if she bites by not being able to resist what you have put out there...


hmmm - just a thought to get things either stirred or settled....



Bait her? How? By lying? She won't respond. That's just not like her. It's just not a game I want to get into playing with her. The last thing I would want is for her interest to pique based of a lie. If she wants to come back, should I even consider it, it has to be on the sole basis that she realizes she screwed up. Otherwise, no dice.


Not interested.


And even then, what guarantee can she give me that it won't be the same? See, that's the main thing that keeps me from even considering it. Not that I feel it's going to happen, but even if she did apologize profusely, what's to keep her from repeating the same mistakes?


Granted, I am light years a stronger man than I was when we were dating. I would probably be skeptical of her for a long time. The trust is gone.


She would have to be on her knees, apologizing profusely and swearing that she would never repeat the mistakes of the past. And even then, I'd have a hard time believing her.


That's what keeps me looking forward and not back.

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A.) you block her... .she WILL make contact.

B.) you take the site down... she WILL make contact.

C.) you leave it up... and you'll reach 1,000 posts on this thread with no conclusions and no answers.


take it down temporarily....


she's using the site to keep tabs on you. She doesn't HAVE to contact you cause she's getting everything she wants to know from your site.... for whatever reasons.


Isn't blocking her the same thing as saying: "Wah, since you won't come back to me I will block out of my life."


Doesn't that smack the least bit of being bitter? I guess to me it does. I don't care that she visits the site. I just want to know why she does it because if she is happily engaged there's no reason for it. Period.


Oh and since you got me thinking, I went back over those logs. Other than the few times she visited and looked at pictures, she doesn't spend a LONG time on the site. She will read the blog, however long that takes her then log off. Usually about 5 minutes or less. When she views pics, maybe a max of 10 minutes.


It's not like she's on the site for hours. Then again, when I view a friends web site I am only there very shortly as well but never longer than about 3-4 minutes.

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Isn't blocking her the same thing as saying: "Wah, since you won't come back to me I will block out of my life."


Doesn't that smack the least bit of being bitter?


you're lookin' waaaay way to deep into it man. And you're not gonna get anywhere or any answers if you keep 'wondering'. You either get to the bottom of it.... now... or you can spend another 15 months wondering if she's happy or not.


My ex was hittin' my page.... I blocked her. DONE! She had no idea she was blocked... she just couldn't access the page correctly. How did she handle it??? She went nuts.... she called... acted all innocent... said she was 'thinkin' bout me... Told her to go ahead and now miss me... *click-*


got my answer.

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you're lookin' waaaay way to deep into it man. And you're not gonna get anywhere or any answers if you keep 'wondering'. You either get to the bottom of it.... now... or you can spend another 15 months wondering if she's happy or not.


My ex was hittin' my page.... I blocked her. DONE! She had no idea she was blocked... she just couldn't access the page correctly. How did she handle it??? She went nuts.... she called... acted all innocent... said she was 'thinkin' bout me... Told her to go ahead and now miss me... *click-*


got my answer.


I'll have to mull this over. Maybe it's not a bad idea to block her.


Can anyone tell me how it would be a bad idea?

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I think her knowing you intentionally blocked her would be sort of a mean and nasty move...


I don't think that's your style... I'll have to think further about what other options you may want to consider...


Need to head to the airport - will think and post later...

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Don't block her. Don't do anything. Don't even check to see if she's checked.


You put it best, you would be skeptical for a long time...


I have to say, Yamaha has given some rock solid advice over the time I've read the posts. (I read a lot more than I post.)


Move on. You seem like a great guy and you will find someone who can look you in the eye and tell you by actions and words what they want.


Take a deep breath and move forward. :)

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I think her knowing you intentionally blocked her would be sort of a mean and nasty move...


She got envolved with someone else while living with him... and then stayed with the guy once they parted...


and HE'S being mean for blocking her from a website????:sick:


allowing her to view his site is a 'form' of contact... like or not. Just because she hasnt acted out or attempted contact... yet... doesn't mean that her ego isn't still being fed.

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Block her caliguy, she lost she lost she lost alllllllll priveleges when she left u, she wanted so badly out of ur life, well now shes out of it, so get all the way out. Dont give her any of u if she doesnt want all of u.


And i think CaliGuy is really being nice, after everythign his ex has done to him yall are calling him mean? And just like 2nd II None said, that is breaking Nc, shes using that as away to stay in his life, and like caliguy says "IF SHE DOESNT WANT HIM ALL THE WAY, SHE CAN HAVE NONE OF HIM".


Block her, that would be kinda like her finding out ur using loveshack and she came here looking at ur post, she still would be keepin tabs on u. And yes it is true to move on, but kick her out of your life, remember ist all or nothing, u dont owe her a damn thing, she owes u too too too much. And i can promise u theres storm in paradise there relationship is still normal even though they are enganged, there having problems, and shes still keeping tabs on u jus incase, there have been plenty of relationships that were enganged but they didnt make it. THERES HELL IN PARADISE


So the champ has spoken, in the words of john cena,"da champ is here"

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