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Well just to make everything clear I am a 15 years old...yes im young :cool: Theres this girl and I will refer to her as M. I've known M for over a year now but it is until recently that we have become close friends. I began to notice a few weeks ago that during class I would start thinking about her and when I saw her a smile instantly placed itself on my lips. So now I admit that I have crush on my dear friend M :love: Now she always seems to be playing around with me and she playfully teases me alot as well. When I look at her other guy friends I don't see her doing this as much with them. I've asked her casually who is it that she likes but she simply would not tell me. She would give me hints such as "he is a freshman, went to so and so school for middle school" and describes him as funny, weird, and friendly as well as other little things. To be honest I thought it was me since I fit he description pretty well. Then one day she comes up and says that she likes another guy by the name of S who was someone completely different than the guy she would hint about. She would talk about him like nothing.....but then i realised something....she would talk about S freely while with the other guy she would only give me hints and nothing more. This also gave me some hope [especially after her mentioning she did'nt like S anymore]. Then again M is somewhat of a flirt so I don't know what to think. Alot of guys are after her and im sad to say im not exactly the best looking of them all :(. So I really don't know what to do with the situation...I don't have that much experience when it comes to girls as I havent even had my first girlfriend :o In your opinion do you think she likes me the way I like her or only as a friend? Please anyone who would give me some advice or their opinions I would greatly apreciate it. [PLEASE :D ]

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Yes - I think that she does like you, at least as a friend or she wouldn't continue to engage you in conversation. Try not to be so hung up on the fact that you aren't the best looking guy on her plate. Girls love guys who are kind, sensitive, sweet, etc - a lot of times it has nothing to do with looks. Girls aren't visual creatures like boys are. We are emotional creatures for the most part. Just be her friend, try not to come on too strong and perhaps something can develop between the two of you. Good luck! :)

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Salam For Ever
Yes - I think that she does like you, at least as a friend or she wouldn't continue to engage you in conversation. Try not to be so hung up on the fact that you aren't the best looking guy on her plate. Girls love guys who are kind, sensitive, sweet, etc - a lot of times it has nothing to do with looks. Girls aren't visual creatures like boys are. We are emotional creatures for the most part. Just be her friend, try not to come on too strong and perhaps something can develop between the two of you. Good luck! :)



:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:


thank you

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i think she likes you but is also probably hedging her bets. girls like guys that show interest and they often determine the best guy for them based on the one that shows the most interest, woos them the best. so i think u shld persist and perhaps drop a few hints of your own, maybe ask her out and give her some flowers etc...

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