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Stuck between a Pushy Friend and a Sweet Guy

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Okay, so one of my best-friends recently had birthday party at a Bowling place. In total, there was around 18 people there, including my crush. That's kind've where the problem started. We had four lanes to play in, and each time a team switched players, or anything, his team would be next to mine. The one time that I was on the same team as my friend, she was totally hanging all over my crush.


When I sat next to him, she'd either sit on my lap, or make me scoot over, and by the end I'd be sitting on the floor. The one time she "let" me sit by my crush, with her on the end, she scooted over, and shoved me into him. When I'd tell her to sit over there somewhere, she'd taunt me about liking him, and then it'd get uncomfortable for both of us.


When she would sit by him, she'd be all up in his business, or put an arm over his shoulder or head. He'd constantly shrug her off, and when he'd try to scoot away from her, she'd be all up at his side again.


The whole time he'd be trying to stand around me if we weren't hanging with our crowd of friends, or if we were only hanging with one or two. When we were bowling, he'd constantly be talking to me, about how he'd hit a strike, or make a bet with me to see if I'd beat him.


I didn't want to be mean to my friend because it was her birthday, but I'm really wondering where I stand. My other friend said he was flirting with me, and agreed that she was hanging all over him. He looked to me like he had this "Get away from me" attitude. Plus, I'm confused about wether he was just "Flirting for Fun" or if he was actually interested in me in "that way".


So, what should I do if this would happen again, at my birthday party, or anywhere? Should I tell her to back off, or just let my crush handle it? Plus, does it seem like my crush really does like me? I'm so confused.

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