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Celebrity Classic

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I made up a game where I thing we all should have a fun time playing.


This game is designed to see which famous lady the majority of us likes.







Twelve girls will be separated into three groups of four girls each. Each one will start out with ten points. Your jobs is to add one point to the one you like best. At the same time you MUST subtract one point from the girl you like least. You can vote as many times as you like, as long as at least THREE people have voted after you. You don't have to vote for the same person each time.


A girl is eminated as soon as she reaches zero points.


There will be five rounds to this game. The first round ends when the first four girls are eliminated.


**If the first three girls eliminated are from the same group, then the one who's left will have an automatic spot for Round 4. Round 4 will feature at least one girl from each group.**






**These girls were put in their groups though random drawing.**






Adriana Lima - 10

Charlize Theron - 10

Jessica Simpson - 10

Lindsay Lohan - 10






Angelina Jolie - 10

Beyonce - 10

Fergie - 10

Jessica Alba - 10





Catherine Zeta-Jones - 10

Halle Berry - 10

Paris Hilton - 10

Scarlett Johanssen - 10




Let's begin!

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This vote officially starts the game.


Lindsay Lohan +1

Jessica Alba -1



This is a sample of how I want everyone to vote.

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