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Sufferings is result of our sins?

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I am no one… do you think I want to hurt you?


But this power is not an attribute of God …

Its not of the Holy Spirit… this is why….


Saved we all have the gifts of the same Holy Spirit.

Prophecy, laying on of hands in healing,, speaking in tongue, dreams and visions. The spirit of love and to call upon others.


These are a portion of gifts we gather form the spirit of God.

A4a, the gifts you speak of are not of the Holy Spirit… if you want to test the sprit as we are to test…. Call upon Jesus and rebuke Satan wholeheartedly and see what happens?


See if this gift was of God… if it was many of us would do the same thing you do…. or we would relate to it as its your gift from God….

Its not that…. Its different and its not from God.

Someone other than myself has had to have told you this?


See Satan gives gifts too… you have to test the spirits… this is on you…

My friend I do not want to hurt you… but tell you to test…


As for Moose I think he is correcting another area? But he does not know I have a plan to bring forth the Satanists in this forum.


It sounds impossible but if you read the rules of Satanism… I hear them all the time on here.

So why lie? People should just come forward and say….

It would be so much easier if we just knew who was who and be upfront about it.. Then we can go from there. Honesty is a good thing.



Love hurts- you sound ridiciulous....


Everyone here are good, genuine people except for your self. Honestly your posts sound so obsurd to me that I'm begining to think this is a troll??


There are really people out there thinking this way???


Man god bless you man...you don't even make sense....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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Slowly your troubles continue to multiply and to grow as a direct result of your being misguided,

Decieved, misdirected or fooled.

All of these are variations of the basic ego-gloried-live them in which you follow the gospel truth.



Persuing the wrong ideals and goals that lead you into sickness, into (god),

And from this sickness comes the belief in the one true power

That cure that promised to erase the symptoms that stood between you and your goal

Thats suductive to hear that offered releif and comfort without disturbing the faulty system of your

Beliefs, the belief in the one true power, forever and ever, one nation, under (god)...

The father, the son, and the holy (spirit)...

In jesus name,

Amen...- deftones

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As for Moose I think he is correcting another area?
I don't think so. And I ask that you don't ignore that.
But he does not know I have a plan to bring forth the Satanists in this forum.
Let me be the first to say that your plan needs revision......you'll not win anyone over to Christ this way.....
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are you saying I am a satanist?


Be brave and truthful........


I was under the assumption that I was the one she thinks is a Satanist.

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So I was pricking… to see what comes out…

I expected a Satanist to confess!


I think we have a Satanist here maybe more… so what is wrong with driving them out in the open?


From reading this, I am afraid you do not know what Satanism really is.


It's a common misconception, I suppose, but if you are one who is trying to preach your word and against theirs, then it's best that you get a full understanding of what Satanism really is. Otherwise, your argument will always be circular--as it has been thus far in this thread (and in others).

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I am no one… do you think I want to hurt you?


nope, I just think you need to get a life. seek help...... and that fun kinda stuff..... but how dare you point fingers at any person and declare them evil or a satanist simply because they do not agree with you..... or a homosexual (not that there is anything wrong with that :) ).

If there is evil here I believe you will find it within yourself....... but keep going this is entertaining to say the least. -- Let ye who cast the first pop tart be burnt upon thy own tongue by thee hot tart of pop.



But this power is not an attribute of God …

Its not of the Holy Spirit… this is why….


You are right it is not an attribute/gift of your god or satan....... it is a learned skill...... as a matter a fact I teach others this skill..... they pay me to do so. Kinda like learning to tango..... some people can just pick it up quicker and do better at it....... I love to tango by the way, must be the dance of satan?




These are a portion of gifts we gather form the spirit of God.

A4a, the gifts you speak of are not of the Holy Spirit… if you want to test the sprit as we are to test…. Call upon Jesus and rebuke Satan wholeheartedly and see what happens?


I don't believe in other....... but if they have a toll free number ........is there an email address, I hate paying for long distance calls......


See if this gift was of God… if it was many of us would do the same thing you do…. or we would relate to it as its your gift from God….

Its not that…. Its different and its not from God.

Someone other than myself has had to have told you this?


Many people do, but some are better than others at it, I happen to be very good at my job. People that are incapable or think they cannot do may throw in "it must be magic".......the real world is not like Disney world..... got news for ya, Mickey is a dude in a costume.... the magic castle is not really magic either. :lmao:


See Satan gives gifts too… you have to test the spirits… this is on you…

My friend I do not want to hurt you… but tell you to test…


ah....... you really are convinced I worship satan....... this is hilarious, keep making yourself out to be a nut. Test? My head won't spin around.... is that the test? :lmao: I did light some incense...... the dog keeps farting.... I did it in the name of odor, not satan. :lmao:


As for Moose I think he is correcting another area? But he does not know I have a plan to bring forth the Satanists in this forum.


If you give away free beer they are likely to show up. Oh hire some strippers too...... Us satan lovers cannot turn down beer and strippers!


What is the plan? dunking? read tea leaves? Try pouring holy water on your computer, like a gallon of it...... that should drive the satanist out of cyber space. :lmao:


It sounds impossible but if you read the rules of Satanism… I hear them all the time on here.


Oh would this be them? http://www.loveshack.org/forums/guidelines/


:p :p :p :p :lmao: :lmao:



So why lie? People should just come forward and say….

It would be so much easier if we just knew who was who and be upfront about it.. Then we can go from there. Honesty is a good thing


Say what...... what you need to hear..... this is not a matter of me being a satanist this is a matter of you having mud on your face.


LH are you under care or on medication? I honestly think you are pulling our legs...... kudos to ya if you are! You're a hoot!! :D


A cyber forum witch hunt!!! this is too funny!!!! :lmao: :lmao:


Sorry If I did not answer you correctly I was distracted because I am busy studying witchcraft and becoming a lesbian! :lmao:

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I am no one… do you think I want to hurt you?


But this power is not an attribute of God …

Its not of the Holy Spirit… this is why….


Saved we all have the gifts of the same Holy Spirit.

Prophecy, laying on of hands in healing,, speaking in tongue, dreams and visions. The spirit of love and to call upon others.


More magical thinking.


These are a portion of gifts we gather form the spirit of God.

A4a, the gifts you speak of are not of the Holy Spirit… if you want to test the sprit as we are to test…. Call upon Jesus and rebuke Satan wholeheartedly and see what happens?


Nothing will happen.


See if this gift was of God… if it was many of us would do the same thing you do…. or we would relate to it as its your gift from God….

Its not that…. Its different and its not from God.

Someone other than myself has had to have told you this?


Did a4a claim "gifts" were supernatural in nature?


See Satan gives gifts too… you have to test the spirits… this is on you…

My friend I do not want to hurt you… but tell you to test…


Meaning that Satan is a god, too. Maybe not as powerful as Jesus in your view, but if he can impart power to people, he is a god. An evil god, but a god all the same.


As for Moose I think he is correcting another area? But he does not know I have a plan to bring forth the Satanists in this forum.




It sounds impossible but if you read the rules of Satanism… I hear them all the time on here.


The rules of Satanism! Excellent.


So why lie? People should just come forward and say….

It would be so much easier if we just knew who was who and be upfront about it.. Then we can go from there. Honesty is a good thing.


Honesty is a good thing. I was honest with you and you still think I'm gay, though.

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nope, I just think you need to get a life. seek help...... and that fun kinda stuff..... but how dare you point fingers at any person and declare them evil or a satanist simply because they do not agree with you..... or a homosexual (not that there is anything wrong with that :) ).

If there is evil here I believe you will find it within yourself....... but keep going this is entertaining to say the least. -- Let ye who cast the first pop tart be burnt upon thy own tongue by thee hot tart of pop.





You are right it is not an attribute/gift of your god or satan....... it is a learned skill...... as a matter a fact I teach others this skill..... they pay me to do so. Kinda like learning to tango..... some people can just pick it up quicker and do better at it....... I love to tango by the way, must be the dance of satan?






I don't believe in other....... but if they have a toll free number ........is there an email address, I hate paying for long distance calls......




Many people do, but some are better than others at it, I happen to be very good at my job. People that are incapable or think they cannot do may throw in "it must be magic".......the real world is not like Disney world..... got news for ya, Mickey is a dude in a costume.... the magic castle is not really magic either. :lmao:




ah....... you really are convinced I worship satan....... this is hilarious, keep making yourself out to be a nut. Test? My head won't spin around.... is that the test? :lmao: I did light some incense...... the dog keeps farting.... I did it in the name of odor, not satan. :lmao:




If you give away free beer they are likely to show up. Oh hire some strippers too...... Us satan lovers cannot turn down beer and strippers!


What is the plan? dunking? read tea leaves? Try pouring holy water on your computer, like a gallon of it...... that should drive the satanist out of cyber space. :lmao:




Oh would this be them? http://www.loveshack.org/forums/guidelines/


:p :p :p :p :lmao: :lmao:





Say what...... what you need to hear..... this is not a matter of me being a satanist this is a matter of you having mud on your face.


LH are you under care or on medication? I honestly think you are pulling our legs...... kudos to ya if you are! You're a hoot!! :D


A cyber forum witch hunt!!! this is too funny!!!! :lmao: :lmao:


Sorry If I did not answer you correctly I was distracted because I am busy studying witchcraft and becoming a lesbian! :lmao:



Ok so you push me here and tried me….

Originally you said you were born with some special powers.

But now if you say you leaned this and train others… I recall the flick the horse whisperer and he seemed to have a way with horses.

Dog trainers have a way with dogs.

You can learn this its not a magic wand its learning to work with animals.

So you pushed the envelope a little I guess.


You know we walk in the spiritual realm we have to consider everything.

Your funny I’m glad you think im a nut on a witch-hunt…

I am seriously looking for a Satan worshiper to confess.

As ridiculous as it sounds they are amongst us…


Homos are the obvious sinners… same as adulterers or fornicators and liars..All these must repent too.

These will not be welcome in Heaven.


Revelation 21:8

But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.


A whoremonger is a whoremaster- it’s someone that thinks beneath the belt. Its fleshly lust at work; its lust of the flesh that motivates and drives an individual.


And these must repent. We are all sinners saved by grace….

Its just that some sins are more obvious and some are more perverted to us.


As for Satanist… I am not calling you out specifically… but any one that is…Should willing come forward. That’s what I’m saying.

Some Satanist have and its refreshing to know … who they are.


You can see me as muddy I don’t care… Its not about me ….

I strive to work for God and I may fall short of His Glory and still I am in His fold and Praise Jesus I am at that.


God uses us all in His work, and if you were of God through proclamation and salvation. You would be a supper nut for God I think your hysterical. So were even.


God Bless*

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Ok so you push me here and tried me….

Originally you said you were born with some special powers.

But now if you say you leaned this and train others… I recall the flick the horse whisperer and he seemed to have a way with horses.

Dog trainers have a way with dogs.

You can learn this its not a magic wand its learning to work with animals.

So you pushed the envelope a little I guess.


You know we walk in the spiritual realm we have to consider everything.

Your funny I’m glad you think im a nut on a witch-hunt…

I am seriously looking for a Satan worshiper to confess.

As ridiculous as it sounds they are amongst us…


Homos are the obvious sinners… same as adulterers or fornicators and liars..All these must repent too.

These will not be welcome in Heaven.


Revelation 21:8

But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.


A whoremonger is a whoremaster- it’s someone that thinks beneath the belt. Its fleshly lust at work; its lust of the flesh that motivates and drives an individual.


And these must repent. We are all sinners saved by grace….

Its just that some sins are more obvious and some are more perverted to us.


As for Satanist… I am not calling you out specifically… but any one that is…Should willing come forward. That’s what I’m saying.

Some Satanist have and its refreshing to know … who they are.


You can see me as muddy I don’t care… Its not about me ….

I strive to work for God and I may fall short of His Glory and still I am in His fold and Praise Jesus I am at that.


God uses us all in His work, and if you were of God through proclamation and salvation. You would be a supper nut for God I think your hysterical. So were even.


God Bless*


ya know what I have had it with your bashing....... you are one hateful little confused person. Youre about as christian minded as corn flake.... yet even flakier! :lmao:




SATAN RULES! Yep I am a satanist! yep yep yep.....






Look to your left....... see the green? That is where it will manifest.

enjoy. :D

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Love hurts- you ignorant nut case. Seriously you are falling on def ears and are a wacko


a4a - satan? really ???? lol


You and lonely bird are the most ignorant people who have come on loveshack.org


Your with geniune, real people here....You have this false senses of security, and will drown your self to even more ignorance as time passes if you don't get help.


Did you not read any of the good deeds a4a did? what did you do thats so good? read the bible and fall completley blinded.


Nothing you say what so ever is real. We are living the right way with a good heart and your " religion " will cause you to become a very shallow, judgemental....person in this world.


You are not in touch with reality what so ever and nothing anyone will say will change your mind. So how about stopping your little rant on god.


God is angry at you right now, and he is speaking through me to tell you....


a4a, don't even waste your time any more. This person is making themselves out to be the biggest joke on earth....I see right through it love hurts


Too busy " preaching" this bull crap that their not living at all.

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Love hurts- you ignorant nut case. Seriously you are falling on def ears and are a wacko


a4a - satan? really ???? lol


You and lonely bird are the most ignorant people who have come on loveshack.org


Your with geniune, real people here....You have this false senses of security, and will drown your self to even more ignorance as time passes if you don't get help.


Did you not read any of the good deeds a4a did? what did you do thats so good? read the bible and fall completley blinded.


Nothing you say what so ever is real. We are living the right way with a good heart and your " religion " will cause you to become a very shallow, judgemental....person in this world.


You are not in touch with reality what so ever and nothing anyone will say will change your mind. So how about stopping your little rant on god.


God is angry at you right now, and he is speaking through me to tell you....


a4a, don't even waste your time any more. This person is making themselves out to be the biggest joke on earth....I see right through it love hurts


Too busy " preaching" this bull crap that their not living at all.



ehhhh I only do good deeds to trick people into joining my coven. :lmao:

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More magical thinking.




Nothing will happen.




Did a4a claim "gifts" were supernatural in nature?




Meaning that Satan is a god, too. Maybe not as powerful as Jesus in your view, but if he can impart power to people, he is a god. An evil god, but a god all the same.








The rules of Satanism! Excellent.




Honesty is a good thing. I was honest with you and you still think I'm gay, though.





It was hostile attempt to hurt you… to bring shame upon you the intent perhaps I could reach a cord that hasn’t been strung. Meaning since your father was a minister… I could pinch you in an area that is closest to your heart and make you feel guilty… In the aftermath…It probably wasn’t a good approach in this forum. I do apologize for my accusations….


God Bless*

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Moai does not believe in God... don't push it down his throat even more.


I don't think that this is the end of your behavior LH, just waiting for it to come out again.


Hopefully your sorry is sincere

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Island Girl
What have you discovered Island Girl?

Have you found the posts on LaVae enlightening?


You are really that obtuse?


I can't understand why I post, in English which you seem to have a grasp of, that I do not believe in Spirits, God of any kind, Satan, demons, witches of any kind, unicorns, mythological beings, magic, elves gnomes, fairies, or anything else that runs along those lines.


I also don't believe in the dead rising to live again.


I have been very clear about this.


I do not believe in your "God".


I do not believe the bible is true.


To worship Satan I would have to believe that the bible is true in some way since Satan is in it.


I don't. I don't believe anything in the bible with regards to Gods and the Devil, etc.


You can not make a valid point at all ever can you?!


It is always words out of someone else's mouths - the bible - or hurling insults.


That is all you do.


With Christians like you who needs enemies! :lmao:

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Island Girl
We are all sinners saved by grace….


I doubt you would know grace if it hit you between your eyes.


You would of course know fear, bigotry, judgment, blindness, intolerance, and hate.


Look what religion has done for you!

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Island Girl
Ok but there is a method to our madness…




It's okay. I'll explain it to you -- you have madness methods.


It is totally different.




We can test the sprits and sometimes through a prick.



I've never heard this one before. You call:


gay bashing



name calling

insulting another person's family



along with horrible insinuations...tests to drive out Satan worshipers?


How does that work.


You're hoping that they'll feel they've found a welcoming forum and a like mind in you so they'll feel comfortable for a reveal?


If there are any Satan worshipers here I wish they'd join the debate too.


It would be interesting to debate that view point.


I've never had the chance before.


Satan of course is just as imaginary as God is.


They both came from the same work of literary fiction after all.


They are just as wrong as all of the other people who believe in some form of God(s). But it would be interesting to hear how they would defend that position.


So I was pricking… to see what comes out…

I expected a Satanist to confess!


I think we have a Satanist here maybe more… so what is wrong with driving them out in the open?


I think we have a delusional and possibly deranged person here.


How, in your wisdom, do we get them to stop typing and seek help?

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Island Girl
I was under the assumption that I was the one she thinks is a Satanist.


Oh Moai.


There's always more room for judgment from LH.


She thinks everyone is Satanist.


Well, except possibly lonelybird -- and I was going to say Moose but I think he is on her list now as well due to his most recent posts...


In any event you were first if it makes you feel any better. :bunny:



...:lmao: - :lmao: - :lmao:

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Island Girl
I am no one… do you think I want to hurt you?



I think you want nothing less than to round up anyone who believes differently than you do and blow them off the planet or put them in prison.


Then I think you would rethink your plan and go through the survivors again.


This time being more strict with the words of your bible.


I think you would make use of the racist scriptures and those that have to deal with slavery.


Here, I think you would have those that you have selected make a choice between servitude or prison.



*Sitting stunned by the unpleasant deep and resounding truth, of how much horror and terror has gone on in the name of religion*



I think how glad I am that I am NOT a Christian, there are other people out there that think as I do, and I think about, thankfully,the happiness I feel that you are not in a position of control.


Because I think you do want to hurt me.


I think you would if you could.


I think about the possibility that you keep to yourself during your time in the outside world because you are "passing".


And that it is a possibility that while you are passing you do hold a position of power changing small things that you have some influence over such as city ordinances, etc.


And now I am wondering about many ways I can interpret this part of your post...


I am no one
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No one should push any of their own beliefs upon others. To try to make someone believe, is like trying to shove a rock up your butt. Hard and difficult.


You can't choose peoples beliefs, and you can't preach it to them. In fact love hurts, you haven't preached anything of logic, but of crazyiness.


What makes someone evil is not the fact that they don't believe, but is the fact of if their heart is made of stone cold blood.


People who don't believe, don't worship anything and still live in good ways.


I don't believe in unicorns, I don't believe in the " hocus pocus magic "


But I believe in ghosts, and spirits and that our soul will live on when we are taken away from this physical world. Nothing illogical about that..Even facts of their being ghosts or spirits still won't change a mind that is already set to believe only in one way


love hurts- how did you become this way? how did you become so sure of the bible and It's teachings to be true?


Homosexuality isn't a chose but born in with you, and can't be changed? The gays can't force themselves to love the oppisite sex. What if someone told you that loving or being attracted to a guy was wrong and you must change and like the same sex that you are? You coulden't.


Love is unconditional, moral and real. Love isn't judgemental, blinded, or sterotypical. And thats what you are, which is not love at all but ignorance and blindness....


Not sure if any of that will hit you in the head, you've already taken your beliefs so deeply that you woudlen't want to believe any other way. Your too scared to know you could be wrong...


Thats not meaning god doesn't exisit though, for god to exist in my world won't make me out to be how you've presented yourself on these forums.............

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Island Girl
Love is unconditional, moral and real. Love isn't judgemental, blinded, or sterotypical. And thats what you are, which is not love at all but ignorance and blindness....


Not sure if any of that will hit you in the head, you've already taken your beliefs so deeply that you wouldn't want to believe any other way. Your too scared to know you could be wrong...


Thats not meaning god doesn't exist though, for god to exist in my world won't make me out to be how you've presented yourself on these forums.............


This part resonates with me.


Thank you LaughMachine

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Ok......lovehurts and lonleybird.....I hope you understand what I'm getting ready to tell you is out of love, but you both are not intellectually sound enough to answer most of these posts.....you're doing our cause a great dis-service trying to.


You've heard it's better to be silent and look like a fool, than it is speak and remove all doubt.....?


There are a lot of responses that I'd like to post replies to, but I just don't have the time right now....

So, Moose

Do you think use our intellectually tools to answer their intellectual questions; OR use Lord's words to answer their intelletual questions?????


Lord can use babe's mouth defeat His enemy Satan. What ability of a babe has? NONE, but a babe is humble, so Lord can speak through the babe to defeat Satan. why rely on your own intelligence?


Psalms 8:2

O Lord, our Sovereign, how majestic is your name in all the earth!

You have set your glory above the heavens.

Out of the mouths of babes and infants you have founded a bulwark because of your foes, to silence the enemy and the avenger

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Lord loves us too much, and we love Lord too much. We may fail Lord sometimes, but Lord never fail us:love:

We will come back soon after communicate with our Lord:love: :laugh:

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Something to be careful of...


"The narcissist is prone to magical thinking. He regards himself in terms of "being chosen" or of "having a destiny". He believes that he has a "direct line" to God, even, perversely, that God "serves" him in certain junctions and conjunctures of his life, through divine intervention. He believes that his life is of such momentous importance, that it is micro-managed by God. The narcissist likes to play God to his human environment. In short, narcissism and religion go well together, because religion allows the narcissist to feel unique."




has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements);


is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love;


believes that he or she is "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions);


requires excessive admiration;


has a sense of entitlement, i.e., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations;


is interpersonally exploitive, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends;


lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others;


is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her;


shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes.


interesting reading... about 1/2 way down the pagehttp://www.ptypes.com/narcissisticpd.html

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Something to be careful of...


"The narcissist is prone to magical thinking. He regards himself in terms of "being chosen" or of "having a destiny". He believes that he has a "direct line" to God, even, perversely, that God "serves" him in certain junctions and conjunctures of his life, through divine intervention. He believes that his life is of such momentous importance, that it is micro-managed by God. The narcissist likes to play God to his human environment. In short, narcissism and religion go well together, because religion allows the narcissist to feel unique."




has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements);


is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love;


believes that he or she is "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions);


requires excessive admiration;


has a sense of entitlement, i.e., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations;


is interpersonally exploitive, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends;


lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others;


is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her;


shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes.


interesting reading... about 1/2 way down the pagehttp://www.ptypes.com/narcissisticpd.html

Apparently some wisdom words don't come from myself, so where it come from? From Lord:D

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has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements);

Rom 12:16(1)Have the same concern for everyone. Do not be proud, but accept humble duties. Do not think of yourselves as wise.


Eph 4:2(1)Be always humble, gentle, and patient. Show your love by being tolerant with one another.


Phil 2:3(1)Don't do anything from selfish ambition or from a cheap desire to boast, but be humble toward one another, always considering others better than yourselves.

Phil 2:8(1)He was humble and walked the path of obedience all the way to death- his death on the cross.


1 Pet 3:8(1)To conclude: you must all have the same attitude and the same feelings; love one another, and be kind and humble with one another.


is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love

Rom 2:8(1)Other people are selfish and reject what is right, in order to follow what is wrong; on them God will pour out his anger and fury.


Phil 2:3(1)Don't do anything from selfish ambition or from a cheap desire to boast, but be humble toward one another, always considering others better than yourselves.


is interpersonally exploitive, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends;

Mt 5:44(1)But now I tell you: love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,


Mt 22:39(2)The second most important commandment is like it: 'Love your neighbor as you love yourself.'

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