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Sufferings is result of our sins?

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Can we change the world into a better place? YES.




Should we dig out the darkness, and dig out, and dig out, and remove them? NO


BUT light can prevail darkness. We cannot remove darkness, but we can bring light. God is light; God’s word is light and power to overcome darkness.


Can we use tools of darkness to defeat darkness? NO


Can we defeat darkness by well knowing the darkness? NO. We should never rely on OUR own knowledge. Only God’s words can win darkness.



Darkness is infinite. We cannot dig out the darkness because the more we dig, the more darkness is. We cannot point a finger to darkness. or try to remove darkness. Our heart is a container. Before our hearts are full of darkness. But light comes. The more light come in, the less darkness left. But if no light comes, darkness still remain.

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We believers have different battles than people think. We don't fight with weapons, we fight with love, meek, gentleness....we use good to fight with evil, light to fight with darkness.


We have our own battles to fight each day. Are we led by Spirit or led by our flesh? Did we fall in the trap of self-righteousness? Do we loss the peace in our heart? Our triumph is different from people think. Jesus died on cross, but He won. He won the world, both in heaven and in earth. He did not do any wrong, on the contrary He healed people, lifted poor people's heart, bring hope to people, and died on cross on our behalf. He is humble, meek, gentle, and obediant....He never seek own benefit, but all giving. He is ready to forgive and heal.


There are many traps Satan use to defeat us. Pride, self-righteousness, lust, hatred, strife, jealousy....but as long as we focus on Lord and Lord's word, we will get there:)

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To All concerned,


The most difficult work we can do is work with the unsaved.

There is a great risk of loosing those we speak to in the name of the Lord, one can possible turn others away as appose to winning them to the Lord. How sad.


I want to you to know my goal is for your souls. Not to hurt you and drive you away but bring you into the Kingdom of God as the Lord has made you for Heaven.


My tactics of love have been overwhelming. Do know it’s out of love… I have hurt and failed you.

If I did not care your souls as I care for my very own soul I would not have begun to speak to you.


Its out of the love of God I came to speak not out of pride or knowledge… as I am a student of the word of the God. The only thing I have that the unsaved do not possess is Salvation.


Knowledge is click away for any of us via net… so please know … my intent has always been to lead you out of darkness.

As I am a student of the word; I am a diamond in the rough in Jesus. The Lord will make me and mold me and have His own way, as I grow in Him…

My heart is right my tactics not so good. As I have made some poor decisions.


For any that may have been coming close to the Lord and through my behavior have lost their own desire to seek Jesus. I do so pray you do not focus on me a student and say to yourself. “ if that’s a Christian I do not want it”.


Please know my sins and faults are my own, just as yours are your own.

Again may I redirect your thoughts to each of us will be held accountable for what we did on earth…. and not for what our neighbor did.

My hearts desire is to keep you from hell not send you there.

I pray none will fall on my account but perhaps realize I too must grow in the Lord.


My spirit has been called on the line many times and I have prayed over it.

You know we get what we pray for... through this I finally see ... I cannot badger or thump you on the head with the Bible and win you.


I could not see that? I thought all you have to be; is woken- up and I thought I obviously know how to do that!


Well... thats not the way... So you see the Lord is working on me and He used this forum to show me... my lack and how I need to be more like Him.

One Day at a Time... has a very deep meaning as we grow in the Lord, I hope you can see that phrase working itself out literally here as I speak to you.


Know as always I hope to see you too in eternity with our Jesus.

As No value in this life or in the world is more priceless than You, and You are Your Soul.


Love through Christ to YOU all that I have shortchanged in my strive to reach you in the Name of Jesus..


God Bless*

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To All concerned,


The most difficult work we can do is work with the unsaved.

There is a great risk of loosing those we speak to in the name of the Lord, one can possible turn others away as appose to winning them to the Lord. How sad.


I want to you to know my goal is for your souls. Not to hurt you and drive you away but bring you into the Kingdom of God as the Lord has made you for Heaven.


My tactics of love have been overwhelming. Do know it’s out of love… I have hurt and failed you.

If I did not care your souls as I care for my very own soul I would not have begun to speak to you.


Its out of the love of God I came to speak not out of pride or knowledge… as I am a student of the word of the God. The only thing I have that the unsaved do not possess is Salvation.


Knowledge is click away for any of us via net… so please know … my intent has always been to lead you out of darkness.

As I am a student of the word; I am a diamond in the rough in Jesus. The Lord will make me and mold me and have His own way, as I grow in Him…

My heart is right my tactics not so good. As I have made some poor decisions.


For any that may have been coming close to the Lord and through my behavior have lost their own desire to seek Jesus. I do so pray you do not focus on me a student and say to yourself. “ if that’s a Christian I do not want it”.


Please know my sins and faults are my own, just as yours are your own.

Again may I redirect your thoughts to each of us will be held accountable for what we did on earth…. and not for what our neighbor did.

My hearts desire is to keep you from hell not send you there.

I pray none will fall on my account but perhaps realize I too must grow in the Lord.


My spirit has been called on the line many times and I have prayed over it.

You know we get what we pray for... through this I finally see ... I cannot badger or thump you on the head with the Bible and win you.


I could not see that? I thought all you have to be; is woken- up and I thought I obviously know how to do that!


Well... thats not the way... So you see the Lord is working on me and He used this forum to show me... my lack and how I need to be more like Him.

One Day at a Time... has a very deep meaning as we grow in the Lord, I hope you can see that phrase working itself out literally here as I speak to you.


Know as always I hope to see you too in eternity with our Jesus.

As No value in this life or in the world is more priceless than You, and You are Your Soul.


Love through Christ to YOU all that I have shortchanged in my strive to reach you in the Name of Jesus..


God Bless*

:love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love::bunny::laugh:


Praise Lord!

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Yes, I am with Love Hurts


If I offened you, I am sorry. I tried to strive to be more like Lord, but I failed still. Okay, Lord already told me so, He didn't allow me to use sarcastic remarks, He didn't want my flesh act out. He didn't want me to be angry at people. I felt so sorry that I failed Lord, I felt I wasted Lord's effort, Lord's sacrifice. Feel so much better now.

Peace, everyone :)


God bless

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None of us are going to hell, our spirits will live on. You don't know if their is a heaven or hell for a fact, you don't.


I've seen people who have lived non christian lives have a blessed and happy fullfilling life. None of us are buying any of your crap, you sound completely foolish saying all this stuff.


Love hurts- you still don't sound intellectual or informative but CRAZY. You aren't trying to save anyone hear you were pointing fingers. You'll see in the end and it will all make sense to you


Stop ranting on about this crap and go help other people on this site. You gotta live for your self not only for god. God will help those who help themselves and you havent' helped any one here or your self.


Get rid of the bible, get rid of alll the book stuff. It is brainwashing you in to a crazed fool.


There are those who live for god in a way that it doesn't take over their lives, and fill their heads. There are those who live for god, yet don't do anything but go to church every sunday and listen to the preacher say the same old things- go do something.


God woulden't want anyone to be judgemental, sterotypical. People who have love in their hearts aren't going to hell. Get that out of your head......I know this :) I feel it.


People who sin are the ones like your selve and god is angry at people like you, trust me.


God bless?? That sounds so fake to me


and this is coming from someone who believes, is it satan reaching me..No It's truth trying to get to you. Truth my friend truth

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One of the many reasons why I reject religion, is the very condescending attitude of those that see their faith as the one and only way to believe. I believe there is a God. Note that I do not reject God I reject religion.

I have looked at and studied a great many different religions. I have read the Quern the Bible, Buddhist teachings and more. They all offer something. I have come to the conclusion that there isn't any one path. There are many paths and each has value. I feel that religion fails because humans try to prove that they are better then others because their faith is better then the other guys faith. Muslims will tell you that Mohammed was Gods last Prophet and his book the Quern is Gods last word. Born again Christians will tell you that Jesus was in fact God on Earth and his word is the Only word of God. The Mormons have their 2nd testimony of Jesus in the Americas. They claim Joseph Smith was a Prophet sent by God. In the mean time Hopi Indians simply sit back and smile. Because They Knew they are the last true people on Earth.

I have my own way to look at God.

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You know we walk in the spiritual realm we have to consider everything.

Your funny I’m glad you think im a nut on a witch-hunt…

I am seriously looking for a Satan worshiper to confess.

As ridiculous as it sounds they are amongst us…


I have edited some because there are only a couple of things to which I wish to respond.


There are certainly people who consider themselves Satanists walking around. There may even be some who are members here. Nothing happens with their side, either. Most Satanists use that term to describe a naturalistic philosophy more than anything else.


Homos are the obvious sinners… same as adulterers or fornicators and liars..All these must repent too.

These will not be welcome in Heaven.


Aren't all sins the same? Nobody is perfect, you said so yourself. Even you continue to sin, but you are forgiven, isn't that so? Since all men fall short of the Glory of God, why single out particular sinners for vitriol and derision?


Revelation 21:8

But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.


A whoremonger is a whoremaster- it’s someone that thinks beneath the belt. Its fleshly lust at work; its lust of the flesh that motivates and drives an individual.


Well, nobody would be here without fleshly lust. It is certain that some people express this in a way with which you are uncomfortable.


And these must repent. We are all sinners saved by grace….

Its just that some sins are more obvious and some are more perverted to us.


Why? All sin is punishable by damnation. Why is it if someone is a good person and gay they are seen as worse than someone who wallows in "sin" and is straight?


As for Satanist… I am not calling you out specifically… but any one that is…Should willing come forward. That’s what I’m saying.

Some Satanist have and its refreshing to know … who they are.


I would think that they would. I am sure that a Satanist is just as proud of his/her belief as you are.


You can see me as muddy I don’t care… Its not about me ….

I strive to work for God and I may fall short of His Glory and still I am in His fold and Praise Jesus I am at that.


God uses us all in His work, and if you were of God through proclamation and salvation. You would be a supper nut for God I think your hysterical. So were even.


God Bless*



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It was hostile attempt to hurt you… to bring shame upon you the intent perhaps I could reach a cord that hasn’t been strung. Meaning since your father was a minister… I could pinch you in an area that is closest to your heart and make you feel guilty… In the aftermath…It probably wasn’t a good approach in this forum. I do apologize for my accusations….


God Bless*


Apology accepted without reservation. If I have offended you, I regret it and I apologize.

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Well, nobody would be here without fleshly lust. It is certain that some people express this in a way with which you are uncomfortable.




Why? All sin is punishable by damnation. Why is it if someone is a good person and gay they are seen as worse than someone who wallows in "sin" and is straight?



Lust can't be bad or else people having orgasms wouldn't scream OH GOD!


I can tell you why gay people are worse. It becuase us strieghts are jealous Gays have better taste, dress better decorate better drink better wine and have better parties.

Maybe I need to stop watching reruns of queer eye for the strieght guy.

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One of the many reasons why I reject religion, is the very condescending attitude of those that see their faith as the one and only way to believe. I believe there is a God. Note that I do not reject God I reject religion.

I have looked at and studied a great many different religions. I have read the Quern the Bible, Buddhist teachings and more. They all offer something. I have come to the conclusion that there isn't any one path. There are many paths and each has value. I feel that religion fails because humans try to prove that they are better then others because their faith is better then the other guys faith. Muslims will tell you that Mohammed was Gods last Prophet and his book the Quern is Gods last word. Born again Christians will tell you that Jesus was in fact God on Earth and his word is the Only word of God. The Mormons have their 2nd testimony of Jesus in the Americas. They claim Joseph Smith was a Prophet sent by God. In the mean time Hopi Indians simply sit back and smile. Because They Knew they are the last true people on Earth.

I have my own way to look at God.



I don't believe in religion either. I feel religion pertains to all same values just in different ways. I believe in god.


I just wish there weren't so many sites refering to science, instead of god.


Science is on earth? It's not spiritual....dUHHHH

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Laugh, You and I will have to disagree on what is science and what is spiritual. The world of quantum Physic is really crazy. I think someday science and the spirit will be on the same side of the fence. The people on the cutting edge of physics are into theory and proving things that are pretty wild. I believe that some day a scientist is going to discover the creative force. For lack of a better word they will prove that there is a God. After all Albert Einstein believed that there is an underlining of order to that looks to be a very chaotic and random Universe. He believed that there was intelligence in what held that order together. Maybe that is God?

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Laugh, You and I will have to disagree on what is science and what is spiritual. The world of quantum Physic is really crazy. I think someday science and the spirit will be on the same side of the fence. The people on the cutting edge of physics are into theory and proving things that are pretty wild. I believe that some day a scientist is going to discover the creative force. For lack of a better word they will prove that there is a God. After all Albert Einstein believed that there is an underlining of order to that looks to be a very chaotic and random Universe. He believed that there was intelligence in what held that order together. Maybe that is God?



So you think they will be able to detect some type of force?


I'm confused with my beliefs. I don't want science to prove otherwise and drop all my hopes.


You'd think that because I was against what lovehurts had to say that I'm someone who doesn't believe. Not at all...I just see how people overlook logic and subsitute it with the bible.


It's like you cant join them but you can't be against them..........ah

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None of us are going to hell, our spirits will live on. You don't know if their is a heaven or hell for a fact, you don't.


I've seen people who have lived non christian lives have a blessed and happy fullfilling life. None of us are buying any of your crap, you sound completely foolish saying all this stuff.


Love hurts- you still don't sound intellectual or informative but CRAZY. You aren't trying to save anyone hear you were pointing fingers. You'll see in the end and it will all make sense to you


Stop ranting on about this crap and go help other people on this site. You gotta live for your self not only for god. God will help those who help themselves and you havent' helped any one here or your self.


Get rid of the bible, get rid of alll the book stuff. It is brainwashing you in to a crazed fool.


There are those who live for god in a way that it doesn't take over their lives, and fill their heads. There are those who live for god, yet don't do anything but go to church every sunday and listen to the preacher say the same old things- go do something.


God woulden't want anyone to be judgemental, sterotypical. People who have love in their hearts aren't going to hell. Get that out of your head......I know this :) I feel it.


People who sin are the ones like your selve and god is angry at people like you, trust me.


God bless?? That sounds so fake to me


and this is coming from someone who believes, is it satan reaching me..No It's truth trying to get to you. Truth my friend truth

No, we still trust on God and Holy Spirit rather than a human being. Human being try to put people down, but God lift our spirit up. Human being can say hurtful words to us, but God always console us. You don't know, my friend. THERE IS HELL AND HEAVEN. Stop use hurtful words to people try to speak out the truth.

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I don't believe in religion either. I feel religion pertains to all same values just in different ways. I believe in god.


I just wish there weren't so many sites refering to science, instead of god.


Science is on earth? It's not spiritual....dUHHHH

you do believe in god? but not the God in the Bible?

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So you think they will be able to detect some type of force?


I'm confused with my beliefs. I don't want science to prove otherwise and drop all my hopes.


You'd think that because I was against what lovehurts had to say that I'm someone who doesn't believe. Not at all...I just see how people overlook logic and subsitute it with the bible.


It's like you cant join them but you can't be against them..........ah

if you believe in god, god is out of logic. Logic belongs to natural, but God is supernatural. what god you mean?

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posted by lonleybird 31 August 2006

then i think maybe I am too bored today. need some dramatic change. like

1. change job, a job can let me meet more people, well men

2. learn one more foreign language, too much trouble maybe

3. try to make the job begin to EARN money, then I can travel more

4. learn latin dance

or do you have any good idea?


my bf (ex bf) always say "want me to be happy everyday", while F**k positive, I cannot be positive everyday


Thanks let me vent here. and

Stay positive


In August of 06 you were using the F bomb and then you reappeared in January Praising the Lord... can we assume that your big change was the discovery of the Christian faith?


So are you what is known as a "baby" Christian?

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In August of 06 you were using the F bomb and then you reappeared in January Praising the Lord... can we assume that your big change was the discovery of the Christian faith?


So are you what is known as a "baby" Christian?

:) I am glad you asked.

Wow, you checked my previous post. you could say I am a "baby" christian. but in fact, I became a Christian many years ago, just had a different understanding than now. The reason why I became a Christian cannot be explained by science. Even before I know any thing about God, I knew there is a invisible being in me to help me during the period I was most miserable. and I didn't pay attention to Him. Until one bad thing happened and the invisible being told me in advance, so I begin to be serious about HIM. and Christian sisters came to tell me about God, then all things came together. God changed me so much, if without God, I could not be like me today. God lift up my spirit and strenghten me and taught me many things


then again something happened, I think I mentioned that God did not answer one important prayer of mine, so I kinda just lived my own way:o for 2 years, but I know that Holy Spirit is aways there with me. just I chose to ignore, or I chose to forget what God did things for me. So I know how people can ignore God even they know there is a living God at the bottom of their heart, people just can cheat themselves so badly!!!!

then came to a point I enter into depression, nothing can make me happy, cried every evening. then I flipped one tv channel (the end of last year), it is tbn, then all memories came back, I began to read Bible again, things has new perspective for me, and only several days, I came out of depression and has a new understanding about God. God gave me second chance, God is forgiving:) but don't wait God's patience wear out. God did not change, Bible did not change. The verses in Bible is LIFE!!! IS HAPPINESS, is LOVE, is HEALING, is HOPE, is EVERYTHING


Well all we do here is to tell the truth. Cover our own eyes up will NOT help us. Flesh is temporary, but soul is forever!!!! Stay in line with God's words will bring you peace, rejoice and abundant life, but stay out line with God's words will bring trouble!!!!!!! That's our intention here, to tell the truth.

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Oh, the end of last year I asked for a big change, and God gave me BIG ONE:)

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So you think they will be able to detect some type of force?


I'm confused with my beliefs. I don't want science to prove otherwise and drop all my hopes.


You'd think that because I was against what lovehurts had to say that I'm someone who doesn't believe. Not at all...I just see how people overlook logic and subsitute it with the bible.


It's like you cant join them but you can't be against them..........ah

Did you watch The passion of Christ???

You don't want to become those who crucify Jesus, do you?

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burning 4 revenge
Did you watch The passion of Christ???

You don't want to become those who crucify Jesus, do you?

Lonleybird, I didn't crucify Jesus, Jesus crucified me

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Don't blame the Jews for The crucifixion of Jesus. The Passion that is taken from the Book of John is fiction. It could have never happened that way.

Rome did not need any Jewish council of High Priest in order to up someone to death. The fact is the high Priest would have been forbidden by Jewish law to meet for such a trial during Passover. They would have been committing a grave sin by doing so. The whole idea of Pilate washing is hands is ludicrous He was one of Romes most prolific executioners. Roman records show that he crucified thousands of Jews while he was in Jerusalem.

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Did you watch The passion of Christ???

You don't want to become those who crucify Jesus, do you?


Lets just say, I don't want to follow something that could be one of the biggest illusions ever. Yet even with all the " proof " of god not existing, I still know in my heart there has to be something? I feel as if flesh isn't forever either, and the soul is.


I don't believe in religion, because there are so many types all having their own set of values and rules..


I want a change in my life, big time...I feel empty like I'm not living up to my full potential..but who knows ...could be a teenager phase..........


any ways lonelybird, where are you from? jw hehe

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Yes, I checked back on your posts... I suspected you were a fairly new Christian, but rededicating has a similar effect.


You are so excited about your relationship with God that you just want to share it with everyone around you. The thing is Christianity is a lot like Amway... you are excited, but most people already have their minds made up before you even approach them.


Slow down a little, stop talking and start listening not just to God, but to other people. Figure out what they really want and always offer it in Love... not just God's love, but the love God has placed in your heart.


I see how much you want to share, and how earnest your faith is... but love for the other person has got to be your first step in witnessing to them. Talk is cheap, but once you are able to project your sincerity to them, and for them... they are more open to listening to what you have to say.


Never approach anyone with the goal of changing their mind... but only with the goal of sharing yourself, and a sincere desire to have them share themselves with you.


Just a bit of advice... I can see that you want people to take you and your faith seriously. They will, but your faith is like that of a child, when you begin to approach people more like an adult they will respect you and your words much more.

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