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Sufferings is result of our sins?

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Yes, I checked back on your posts... I suspected you were a fairly new Christian, but rededicating has a similar effect.


You are so excited about your relationship with God that you just want to share it with everyone around you. The thing is Christianity is a lot like Amway... you are excited, but most people already have their minds made up before you even approach them.


Slow down a little, stop talking and start listening not just to God, but to other people. Figure out what they really want and always offer it in Love... not just God's love, but the love God has placed in your heart.


I see how much you want to share, and how earnest your faith is... but love for the other person has got to be your first step in witnessing to them. Talk is cheap, but once you are able to project your sincerity to them, and for them... they are more open to listening to what you have to say.


Never approach anyone with the goal of changing their mind... but only with the goal of sharing yourself, and a sincere desire to have them share themselves with you.


Just a bit of advice... I can see that you want people to take you and your faith seriously. They will, but your faith is like that of a child, when you begin to approach people more like an adult they will respect you and your words much more.

You don't have to take me seriously, I don't take myself seriously even myself:D

Lord knows what level my faith in Him, and the more I am mature in Lord, the more I am childish in this world eyes, I accept it:D

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I want a change in my life, big time...I feel empty like I'm not living up to my full potential..but who knows ...could be a teenager phase..........


any ways lonelybird, where are you from? jw hehe

Heaven. Hope see you there :laugh:

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*throws hands in the air*


Ok, ok... you clearly just don't get it. The more mature you are in the Lord, the more childish you are in the eyes of the world?


"When I was a child, I used to talk as a child, think as a child, reason as a child; when I became a man, I put aside childish things. "


"Brothers, stop thinking like children. In regard to evil be infants, but in your thinking be adults."


Continue as you wish...

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*throws hands in the air*


Ok, ok... you clearly just don't get it. The more mature you are in the Lord, the more childish you are in the eyes of the world?


"When I was a child, I used to talk as a child, think as a child, reason as a child; when I became a man, I put aside childish things. "


"Brothers, stop thinking like children. In regard to evil be infants, but in your thinking be adults."


Continue as you wish...

Childish things here means many things, i.g

when people talk some evil thing about you, or said some negative things about you, If you buy all of that, then you are CHILDISH

if you have strong faith in Lord, you will push away the negative things, and believe in Lord, and Lord only, this is MATURE, AND don't live under the bondage of people's opinion


another i.g. when a man say to you, if you do such such things for me, then you love me. if the thing will bring low self-esteem, and you know it but you still do it, that is CHILDISH, if you faith in Lord, you would have a strong value system, you would refuse to do it. this is MATURE, AND don't live under the bondage of people's opinion

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And Lord said "no one can enter kingdom of heaven unless they become a child", remember?


Child here means Childish to worldly things and dark behavious


Be mature in spiritually realm, but childish in flesh realm

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Well then LB you obviously have it all figured out, you have nothing more to learn and we have nothing more to teach.


Carry On...

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Laugh Machine, English is Lonleybirds second language. she is from China or maybe Vietnam.



Thanks, I wasn't asking it to be cruel at all I was just curious

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Apology accepted without reservation. If I have offended you, I regret it and I apologize.


The Gift of Easter; Jesus makes all things New.




I appreciate you acceptance of my apology. As for your consideration of apology to me; you owe me not. I know it was I who pushed you over the line. I do thank you and appreciate your heart in this matter.


At this moment in time; the Lord is working in me as I have many thoughts to sort through, leery of speaking to others lest I say the wrong thing on behalf of the Lord.


I now seem to be caught mentally in the middle of; is it acceptable to debate the word of God or does it fall under greater understanding of … for those that seek truth?


And often to deliver the word of God is not often enough, as its dissected. Do I stand and work with those that adamantly reject as I was there once upon a time… or do I focus on those that are hungry for truth without rejection?


As I type the Spirit of the Lord says Love has no boundaries.

The Lord is answering my confusion even now… again can you see the Lord is working always in our lives? Praise Jesus.


As we celebrate Easter in our hearts. Jesus died for the world… all of us…

that who so ever believe in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.


Romans 10:9

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus,

and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.


And the following verse tells us believe is in the heart.

[And as always… Jesus is the reader of Hearts]


I thank Jesus for you all and for His working in me through you.

I know I feel as though I am walking on eggshells, and must careful of my footing. It’s a new place in Jesus for me.


I slowly want to begin again in the Lord speaking to you all sharing the word and love of Christ Jesus.


I know it will be a slow process for me.

And the best way to do this is to just get back out here and try it again in the Lord. I am made to share the word of Christ with the unsaved.

If I say nothing, I have failed Him that gave me eternal life.

I am not favored; He loves us all. He hurts at the loss of His children.


For today as it’s a step in my new walk in the Lord… as we celebrate our Lord; His suffering, death and resurrection on our behalf.

Let me offer two beautiful songs from another heart in the Lord that sing out the Love of Jesus for His children and Praise to Jesus.


How Precious Are Your Thoughts, O God! - Psalm 139


I want you with me in Eternity


God Bless* you all in Jesus precious name.

PS… Lonelybird, you have tole me many times…as well as others of my spirit… Do you see our Father in Heaven at work in your sister? My heart has been ripped out and given a new one... [how could I lead His own away from Him?]... I have shed tears over my actions and behavior in the Lord.


Praise ye Lord from whom all Blessings flow… God Bless and Praise the Lord for your Spirit; it is of His Love for His children.


One Day at a Time in the Lord… all Praise Honor and Glory to Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.:love:

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No, we still trust on God and Holy Spirit rather than a human being. Human being try to put people down, but God lift our spirit up. Human being can say hurtful words to us, but God always console us. You don't know, my friend. THERE IS HELL AND HEAVEN. Stop use hurtful words to people try to speak out the truth.



Some people try to put others down, but that is just a negative way of looking at it... there are also those who try to lift us up, there is always going to be a mix, you have to learn how to filter out the bad and take in more of the good either way you learn from both the good and the bad in the world.


We are somehow all connected (every living being) if that is because of God or Science still it is a fact that we are all connected the complexity of that can sometimes be overwhelming however that should not stop you from being secure in yourself and whatever one believes in.


One can not isolate themselves because they were hurt by another person and if they do it may take them sometime to come back to trust and re establish connections that are of this world as those connections are just as important as your relationship with god.


It may be new relationships or prior connections however no one should have to go through life alone without earthy connections, how can you learn and grow without them?

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Hey lonelybird....this is an excellent post!


I haven't read the entire thread, although read the first page. There are consequences to our actions/inactions that are of a sinful nature....the greatest sin is rejecting Jesus.


Repentance is something we must do on a continual basis after becoming "saved", after receiving the knowledge of Christ in our mind, body and heart....turning our lives over to Him completely in all ways, in all things.


Having noticed throughout the months that many get a charge out of sarcastically mocking the things of God and severely mocking Gods people. Personally if you are one of these, I would be careful as God is not mocked....I hope the sarcasm leads you directly into repentance, turning your life over to Him fully.


Emotional immaturity leads one, who is out of control, and lacks self control, to mock sarcastically. This is demonstrated in their everyday lives, acting unbecomingly in all things.


God chooses to take us to a place of maturity no matter the age. Even those with great maturity, when under a great deal of stress will act unbecomingly and say the wrong thing, BUT the baseline of their personality is that of a mature person.


Repentance is a good thing, it won't kill you, it will save you.....to the unsaved....why not try it, what have you got to loose?

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At this moment in time; the Lord is working in me as I have many thoughts to sort through, leery of speaking to others lest I say the wrong thing on behalf of the Lord.


I now seem to be caught mentally in the middle of; is it acceptable to debate the word of God or does it fall under greater understanding of … for those that seek truth?


And often to deliver the word of God is not often enough, as its dissected. Do I stand and work with those that adamantly reject as I was there once upon a time… or do I focus on those that are hungry for truth without rejection?


As I type the Spirit of the Lord says Love has no boundaries.

The Lord is answering my confusion even now… again can you see the Lord is working always in our lives? Praise Jesus.





Hey Love Hurts!!!!


LOVE HAS NO BOUNDRIES!!!!!! Amen, and another amen! I think, and know in my Spirit that you have been totally led in this forum. I am amazed when reading the posts/replies at how the Spirit leads you to "give an account"....and that my dear sis in the Lord IS what you are doing, being obedient to the word. This is your gift.


Am of the opinion that those who frequent this forum are looking for the truth, they may not even know it....example, physical aspect:


Felt lousey for years off and on.....understand the mind is a very powerful thing....my mind knew something was out of wack, but what? So I went on, doctor after doctor seeking the "truth" as to why I felt so bad....would get bits and pieces here and there adding "some" truth to this infirmity, but nothing substancial to actually "cure" it....to shed light to the "cause of my condition".


So, get the call from the doc with the "truth"....my symptoms were subtle before the truth....but now with the truth the conncection took place with my mind and body and BAMMMMMM, my symptoms immediately became acute.


"MY PEOPLE PERRISH FOR LACK OF KNOWLEDGE"!!!!!!!!!!! I would have eventually went to an untimely grave without this vital knowledge.


Is the Spiritual aspect of man any different???? NOPE....God/Jesus/Holy Spirit is THE vital nutrient concerning ones eternal destiny. In the above paragragh I stated, "My people perrish for lack of knowledge"... Please correct me if I'm wrong....God, in this passage of scripture in talking to the saved.....BUT make no mistake all of the unsaved belong to HIM too....


All of you "unsaved" in this forum belong to The God of Jacob, Abraham and David anyway.....you are Gods special people, you just need to acknowledge it in your hearts....

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Hey lonelybird....this is an excellent post!


I haven't read the entire thread, although read the first page. There are consequences to our actions/inactions that are of a sinful nature....the greatest sin is rejecting Jesus.


Repentance is something we must do on a continual basis after becoming "saved", after receiving the knowledge of Christ in our mind, body and heart....turning our lives over to Him completely in all ways, in all things.


Having noticed throughout the months that many get a charge out of sarcastically mocking the things of God and severely mocking Gods people. Personally if you are one of these, I would be careful as God is not mocked....I hope the sarcasm leads you directly into repentance, turning your life over to Him fully.


Emotional immaturity leads one, who is out of control, and lacks self control, to mock sarcastically. This is demonstrated in their everyday lives, acting unbecomingly in all things.


God chooses to take us to a place of maturity no matter the age. Even those with great maturity, when under a great deal of stress will act unbecomingly and say the wrong thing, BUT the baseline of their personality is that of a mature person.


Repentance is a good thing, it won't kill you, it will save you.....to the unsaved....why not try it, what have you got to loose?



HA quote my own quote....has anyone ever done that in LS before....lol....


Anyway, just read this page and OMG.....want to say lonelybird you have a heart after Gods own heart...God said that to David....you speak the truth and the truth is mature....


Just wanted to clarify based on the previous posts on this particular page.....GBU sis!

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Hi Love Hurt and Pureinheart :D

I feel Lord's power and love so strong here, always so good to look at your posts, I am learning. Praise Lord!

I guess every one of us has different kinds of gifts. Lord has different method to deal with us, sometimes it is beyond our understanding....., and He want us to love and support each other, sure Lord love His childrens very much. I just want to stay beside Lord's feet forever! I feel love and light, tender, kindness and healing as long as I put my eyes on Lord and rely everything on HIm....,


Perseverence! every time someone come out to shut us up, or Satan used traps to make us silent, I feel bigger urge to speak out, Praise Lord! Lord make us stronger each day

Yes,:D one day at a time


Praise Jesus our Lord!


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Hi Love Hurt and Pureinheart :D

I feel Lord's power and love so strong here, always so good to look at your posts, I am learning. Praise Lord!

I guess every one of us has different kinds of gifts. Lord has different method to deal with us, sometimes it is beyond our understanding....., and He want us to love and support each other, sure Lord love His childrens very much. I just want to stay beside Lord's feet forever! I feel love and light, tender, kindness and healing as long as I put my eyes on Lord and rely everything on HIm....,


Perseverence! every time someone come out to shut us up, or Satan used traps to make us silent, I feel bigger urge to speak out, Praise Lord! Lord make us stronger each day

Yes,:D one day at a time


Praise Jesus our Lord!




Wow lonelybird you sure do have the fight in you and are so precious....

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Island Girl
Wow lonelybird you sure do have the fight in you and are so precious....


What fight are you referring to?

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I now seem to be caught mentally in the middle of; is it acceptable to debate the word of God or does it fall under greater understanding of … for those that seek truth?


And often to deliver the word of God is not often enough, as its dissected. Do I stand and work with those that adamantly reject as I was there once upon a time… or do I focus on those that are hungry for truth without rejection?


I think if we relax and enjoy, then Holy Spirit can speak through us? so we won't worry about which method we should use? as long as Holy Spirit speak out, if not touch the people who debate, definitely the words must touch somebody else who see the post. It is not we convert heart, it is Lord who convert heart. we cannot see right away, but Lord knows


I still think we can dodge and ignore many of posts from the other sides which hide "dirty balls", It is impossible there are no dirty balls as long as we tell the words of God. But same time it is a training class. when we see dirty balls coming, we still can keep calm and gentle, like our Lord Jesus.


One night I woke up, this idea came to me. That some posts' questions will pull our mindset to their mindset--carnal one. but we can dodge these questions which really aren't worth answering. SO we must constantly check ourselves if we act on Spiritual realm or flesh realm. If we act on Spritual realm, Holy Spirit can work through us, so there must have some fruits through these works. SIMPLE? IF we act on Spiritual realm, then Holy Spirit works, then fruits come, then we won't burn ourselves out. It is a rejoice journey. Lord's yoke is light, light indeed!


The only one thing we need to do is how to achieve a intimate relationship with Lord. simple:laugh: , depend on Lord for everything, ask Lord's advise for everything, give every burden to Lord, give every secret to Lord and totally expose ourselves to Lord. If we decide to do something or plan, please wait for Lord's confirmation!!!! this way we won't hurt ourselves:)

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What fight are you referring to?

Not fight with you, don't sweat:p , You are flesh and blood. we fight with Satan, and we fight with Satan for you, well including you, and we break bondages of Satan of this world, Lord gave us these abilities.

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Island Girl
but we can dodge these questions which really aren't worth answering.




Blind faith with no answers is always the best way.


No need for verification or confirmation of the facts.


Just blind faith.


And ignore the contradictions in what you quote or call "truth" (it is after all belief and not verifiable or true by definition).


It sounds as if you can't answer some posts because there are no answers to the questions posed (which is what I suspect) or you don't know the answers - in which case wouldn't that be fairly easy for you to find the answer without contradiction?

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Island Girl
Not fight with you, don't sweat:p , You are flesh and blood. we fight with Satan, and we fight with Satan for you, well including you, and we break bondages of Satan of this world, Lord gave us these abilities.


What is Satan doing that you need to constantly fight him? What are the bondages you speak of?

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Blind faith with no answers is always the best way.


No need for verification or confirmation of the facts.


Just blind faith.


And ignore the contradictions in what you quote or call "truth" (it is after all belief and not verifiable or true by definition).


It sounds as if you can't answer some posts because there are no answers to the questions posed (which is what I suspect) or you don't know the answers - in which case wouldn't that be fairly easy for you to find the answer without contradiction?

What can be my anwer to belittleness, anger, and negative stuff?

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Island Girl
What can be my anwer to belittleness, anger, and negative stuff?


I did not belittle you. My words are not angry in the least. And I can assure you I am not angry at all or negative.


I do, however, find it ridiculous to post but not answer the questions your posts lead to. That is just using this forum as a place for preaching not communicating at all.


My post spoke to that point.

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What is Satan doing that you need to constantly fight him? What are the bondages you speak of?

As long as you spiritually connect with Lord, those bondages will break off, sometimes sooner, sometimes it is a slow process, it depends individual.


Bondages is contrary to freedom, freedom from sins, from death


These are bondages:

The work of flesh:Galatians

5:19 Now the works of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity, depravity,

5:20 idolatry, sorcery, hostilities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish rivalries, dissensions, factions,

5:21 envying, murder, drunkenness, carousing, and similar things. I am warning you, as I had warned you before: Those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God


Satan will use these flesh traps to make people miserable and suffer. and God sent Jesus Christ came to destroy Satan's works. Jesus Christ conquered death, and He is our hope and joy! But we have to choose for ourselves.....

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From reading this, I am afraid you do not know what Satanism really is.


It's a common misconception, I suppose, but if you are one who is trying to preach your word and against theirs, then it's best that you get a full understanding of what Satanism really is. Otherwise, your argument will always be circular--as it has been thus far in this thread (and in others).

Sounds like a trap. Don't you trust on God's words, and only God's words can defeat Satan? It is carnal way "in order to defeat enemy you have to well know enemy". It is not kingdom way of thinking. why go extra miles to go into enemy teritory? You don't trust on God's words? you don't trust on Holy Spirit? Did Holy Spirit tell you so? Holy Spirit in me now tell me it is a very bad idea! AND I am very certain about this

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