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Friend zone, has something now changed?

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Is good friend now showing feelings?

Ok I am going to try and give as much detail as possible but also not be to long & boring.


I have this male friend for 4 years. 2 years ago I confessed i had feeling for him see thread:Just friends or is there more to come? I was placed in the friends zone and I accepted that.


Now after 2 years we are closer than ever and recently I have noticed a change. We usually have contact everyday most of the time several times during the day via cell phone. Well my cell was turned off for a short time (2 months) during this time we barley spoke once a week. As I was getting ready to have my cell turned on he started to make comments like he needed his OneAmante fix he was starting to go through with drawls. I had my cell turned back on and he started calling me again at least once a day but usually more. I still didn't see it until him and I went out to dinner one night and even though we talk on the phone he felt the need to email me and comment on how he had a nice time the other night. Which i thought was strange since we spoke many times since the day we went out and he never said anything. He also signed his email Always Me, which it has always been signed with just Me.


So I on the other hand am trying not to read into this because he was very clear on his feelings way back when and I wouldn't want to do anything to hinder our friendship(despite the fact my feelings have never changed if anything they are stronger). By still having these feelings I don't want it to be that I am reading into something that isn't there, so I just let it be.


Usually when we go out we go dutch unless it is one of our birthdays or we are celebrating something. So imagine my surprise when we made plans to go to a movie & he asked if I wanted to go have a nice dinner & then a movie or did I want to eat at home. I responded that i needed to check my budget for the week to make sure i wouldn't be overspending & he replied "I don't think i asked you what your budge was".


I know it maybe hard to read someones post and try & give an opinion on what you feel but by the few examples i have included along with my last post & his response do you think he has changed his mind? I don't want to push the issue so this will definitely have to be something that he will have to make first move on. However I can't help but think maybe.... Please give me your opinions male & females.

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Perhaps his feelings have changed, but try not to read too much into it unless he tells you specifically that they have. I would hate to see you get hurt by the fact that you think there is something there if there isn't. Try to play it cool!!

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NTI made a good point about playing it cool. Im sorta in the same shoes as you but our friendship has only been 5 months. i wouldn't over analyze the situation. It doesn't seem very healthy to think too much as i have done for myself. One thing i can say is to go w your instincts.

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Sounds like the non-sexual version of "friends with benefits" in which the benefits are emotional, and not sexual. Sometimes a guy will become emotionally dependent on a girl, without having romantic intentions. You will get some mild "dating" treatment (dinners, movies, etc) because he wants to "treat" you and show you that he likes and appreciates you - but that doesn't necessarily mean he wants to actually "date" you. I would be careful with my heart in this situation. The last thing you want to happen is for you to mistake his intentions and end up heartbroken when he ends up with a girl that he does have romantic feelings for.


Who knows though, he may very well be changing his outlook. I would still play it safe though, and assume that you are "just friends" until he makes it crystal clear that he wants more than that (ie - he comes out and SAYS so).

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