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THe going to be ex-wife, getting mad at the current girlfriend.

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I have a friend that had a cush on me since the 9th grade. He's in the process of divorcing his wife. He told the wife about us, and now she's sending me emails talking a bunch of you know what. I really dont want to have any problems with her because there are four kids involve, two from each side. Now the problem is that she's really a loser, her mom gave her an apt because she had the kids. Now she told my friend that she dont want to deal with the kids anymore, because she wants to party and do whatever she wants. Now that e took the kids her mother took the apt from from her and let her know she's a nobody. Now because she dont have anywhere to live he took her in, and he is now staying with me. I love him a lot, but i dont like drama and i really dont want my kids around that type of person. I need some advise.

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I have a friend that had a cush on me since the 9th grade. He's in the process of divorcing his wife. He told the wife about us, and now she's sending me emails talking a bunch of you know what. I really dont want to have any problems with her because there are four kids involve, two from each side. Now the problem is that she's really a loser, her mom gave her an apt because she had the kids. Now she told my friend that she dont want to deal with the kids anymore, because she wants to party and do whatever she wants. Now that e took the kids her mother took the apt from from her and let her know she's a nobody. Now because she dont have anywhere to live he took her in, and he is now staying with me. I love him a lot, but i dont like drama and i really dont want my kids around that type of person. I need some advise.


Dump him and move on...more drama awaits if you don't...

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Now because she dont have anywhere to live he took her in, and he is now staying with me.


If he took her in and he is staying with you, does that means she is in your house???


Maybe I misunderstood what you meant - maybe she's staying at his house, and he is now staying with you while she is there. If that's the case, your best tactic is to avoid contact with her. Don't answer her emails or anything like that, and don't meet with her, don't talk to her.


Also, you MUST have a discussion with your bf and lay out some boundaries with him about her. Tell him what kind of contact is acceptable and what is not acceptable. If you don't want her around your kids, tell him that and make sure it doesn't happen.


She will always be in his life as she is the mother of his children, so you can't escape that. However, don't fuel the fire. I imagine after the divorce goes through, things might calm down a little...though she does seem a bit on the lost side and a bit on the drama queen side...if this is too much for you to deal with, you do have a right to break up with him.

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