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so jealouse it hurts!

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I wondered if anyone could help me.. im sorry if this may be long, but could really do with some advice!! :(


The thing is, my first bf used to always gorpe at me friend all the time when we was at school.. she was such a flirt! and we always argued over it, in time it split us up. After this I went out with a new fella, I was always always accusing him of gorping at other women on tv etc etcc... he then left me for another women. Then after this I met another fella, all these was long term relationships such as 2years. So I met another fella, who I was always thinking he was going to leave me, and again accused him of liking other women and gorping at them on tv etc.. he always assured me he didn't and wasn't.. and would build my confidence up as he new I had issues, and don't really rate myself as gorgeous, as you see the people on tv. I'm 5foot so horrible little lets, weigh 7stone.. with horrible strawberry blonde hair. Anyway, he then, not long ago left me.. told me he found me unattractive and just didn't want to be with me and is completely not interested. Really didn't understand as I never ever did nothing to upset him. Never lied to him etc etc...


Now im single having a great timeish! And met a new fella.. known him for time as used to date him for a little while ages ago, but he wasn't ready for a relationship and things didn't turn out.. I have started talking to him.. we always kept in contact on msn and stuff but I met him one night last week. really really enjoyed it and made me realise how much I do really like him.. however, he is the type of lad that DOES.. and im not thinking it this time, gorpe at women, watches pron. I mean at least my other bfs didn't have naked pictures of women on there phone or on comp and watch porn, but this new lad does. He told me he wouldn't do it if he was with me. He also has loads gorrrrrrgeous girl mates, who he is so close with!!


I really really want a relationship with him, and he does me... I just put it on hold for a bit as I told him I wanted to sort my head out. I have asked him why he wants me and he says that it never feels right with anyone else except with me.. he does tell me he really really likes me, an has liked me for bout 3years. hes been waiting for me while iv been in relationships.

But I just feel as though this is going to completely ruin me and destroy me!!! I so don't want to get hurt.. im so scared! It kills me to think how many pretty people he has looked at.. then there's my body.. its completely nothing to the models he has on his phone!! - im nothing compared to his girl mates!! im so ugly!!!!!!!! but I really want him. I feel like to just I don't know, leave it move on forget about him, as its too hard and complected.


Has anyone been in the same situation as me? but has come out better???? pease help.. I cant afford councelling! Feel like im going mad!!! really down :(


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In my opinion before you get into a relationship I think you need to work on yourself first rather than jumping into another relationship.


Your being negative about yourself, your just as good and beautiful as any one else.


Also, whats wrong with Strawberry blonde hair? Our colour hair rules! :p


If you don't like yourself this much then make some changes in yourself? Get a hair colour or a new hair style and put on some weight? Your in the driver seat to make yourself feel good about yourself.


Also you get jealous too much too, that really drives a guy away and also its surely not a nice feeling for you to be jealous?


A guy gorps at a girl on TV...big deal...sure you look at other guys on TV? What would you feel if your guy was accusing you or gorping at a guy on TV? Would that make you feel good that your guy can not trust you?


This guy does not sound very good either to be 'falling in love' with. He sounds like a big red flag to me. I suggest you don't go into a relationship with him right now and to just work on yourself, improve yourself, make yourself feel good about yourself because it sounds like you have no confidence in yourself.

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If what we saw on phones and t.v.'s and internet was "reality" then we wouldn't have phones and t.v.'s and internet lol.


He seems like a nice guy. Don't "put out" for him though...build a relationship with hin first....see where it goes.


Guys can be jerks. Don't let the jerk guys fool you from the great ones.


Good luck!

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[sIZE=1]I wondered if anyone could help me.. im sorry if this may be long, but could really do with some advice!! :( [/sIZE]

[sIZE=1] [/sIZE]

[sIZE=1]The thing is, my first bf used to always gorpe at me friend all the time when we was at school.. she was such a flirt! and we always argued over it, in time it split us up. After this I went out with a new fella, I was always always accusing him of gorping at other women on tv etc etcc... he then left me for another women. Then after this I met another fella, all these was long term relationships such as 2years. So I met another fella, who I was always thinking he was going to leave me, and again accused him of liking other women and gorping at them on tv etc.. he always assured me he didn't and wasn't.. and would build my confidence up as he new I had issues, and don't really rate myself as gorgeous, as you see the people on tv. I'm 5foot so horrible little lets, weigh 7stone.. with horrible strawberry blonde hair. Anyway, he then, not long ago left me.. told me he found me unattractive and just didn't want to be with me and is completely not interested. Really didn't understand as I never ever did nothing to upset him. Never lied to him etc etc...[/sIZE]

[sIZE=1] [/sIZE]

[sIZE=1]Now im single having a great timeish! And met a new fella.. known him for time as used to date him for a little while ages ago, but he wasn't ready for a relationship and things didn't turn out.. I have started talking to him.. we always kept in contact on msn and stuff but I met him one night last week. really really enjoyed it and made me realise how much I do really like him.. however, he is the type of lad that DOES.. and im not thinking it this time, gorpe at women, watches pron. I mean at least my other bfs didn't have naked pictures of women on there phone or on comp and watch porn, but this new lad does. He told me he wouldn't do it if he was with me. He also has loads gorrrrrrgeous girl mates, who he is so close with!![/sIZE]

[sIZE=1] [/sIZE]

[sIZE=1]I really really want a relationship with him, and he does me... I just put it on hold for a bit as I told him I wanted to sort my head out. I have asked him why he wants me and he says that it never feels right with anyone else except with me.. he does tell me he really really likes me, an has liked me for bout 3years. hes been waiting for me while iv been in relationships.[/sIZE]

[sIZE=1]But I just feel as though this is going to completely ruin me and destroy me!!! I so don't want to get hurt.. im so scared! It kills me to think how many pretty people he has looked at.. then there's my body.. its completely nothing to the models he has on his phone!! - im nothing compared to his girl mates!! im so ugly!!!!!!!! but I really want him. I feel like to just I don't know, leave it move on forget about him, as its too hard and complected.[/sIZE]

[sIZE=1] [/sIZE]

[sIZE=1]Has anyone been in the same situation as me? but has come out better???? pease help.. I cant afford councelling! Feel like im going mad!!! really down :([/sIZE]




Can't ... keep ... my ... eyes...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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