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Am I over thinking my situation, My b/f/fiance (we have been together for 3 years) goes to P.T. every day for a minor foot problem. Anyways he starts talking to me about this chick there and how hurt herself, then starts saying that she wants to lose wieght and blah blah well anyways he knows how old she is, that she has a kid, where she works and how she hurt herself, is it odd that he is just gabbing away to these people while he tells me he spends 2 hours doing nothing but working out. I feel it is a big red flag that he even knows her age, what reason would they have to even me talking about theirs ages.


So am I losing it or should I keep my eyes open to this?

There have been other girls that he talks about from there he tells me he talks with one about a tv show...wtf? When is he working out with all of this talking!

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I would spy on him. Lol I know that's awful but I went through my boyfriend's e-mails and I found out he was cheating on me.

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If he's going to PT for a minor foot problem, I really doubt he'd heavy-duty working out since that might cause too much strain.


It seems pretty normal that he'd chat it up. Sounds like he's being pretty open with you. If you're worried you could just ask something like "When do you have time to do all this talking when you're working out?"


Does he have any suspicious disappearances? Times not accounted for? Has the sex/affection in your relationship had a recent and severe drop-off? If this is the only thing, I'd just reeeelaaaax.

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If he's going to PT for a minor foot problem, I really doubt he'd heavy-duty working out since that might cause too much strain.


It seems pretty normal that he'd chat it up. Sounds like he's being pretty open with you. If you're worried you could just ask something like "When do you have time to do all this talking when you're working out?"


Does he have any suspicious disappearances? Times not accounted for? Has the sex/affection in your relationship had a recent and severe drop-off? If this is the only thing, I'd just reeeelaaaax.


I am leaning towards Aloros here. Maybe he's just a very outgoing person? As though he gladly takes part in conversation with anyone friendly enough to do so. He's interested in people, perhaps. Especially if he's telling you all these things, he obviously doesn't think he's doing anything that should be hidden. But if he ever has behavior changes in the way he treats you, there might be something to wonder about.


Then again, I guess if you have been together 3 years, this could be something new about him to you; in which case it might deserve suspicion after all. But even if he finds the P.T. to be an interesting person, it doesn't mean he has thoughts of a bigger relationship with her. But if you want to know for sure, ask him.

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Well, since he started his P.T. he used to shower after work but now since then it is always before work, as 6 hours later he is at P.T.

He tried putting in some earrings that he hasn't worn in well over two years but couldn't get them in.


Now the neighbor had his g/f move in and my guy has been geeking out the windows. I was also doing some stuff outside on Sunday and he stayed out there the entire time, that is not like him at all, he never gives a crap what I am doing, I think he just staed out there to get his looking in on the other girl, as she is sooo his type.


I asked him why does he keep spying out the windows and he tells me he can do wtf he wants to do and that I am whacked.

My guy is not one to go about talking to people, so this is why I find this all too odd, it doesn't sit right in my gut.


As far as affection changing, he isn't the type to go about showing it.It's more like when ever I open my mouth he tells me I say stupid **** and I don't think things through before I speak, or I will just out of the blue start talking about something and he gets pissed and gets an attitude because I am stupid for the way I bring things up, this can be anything like something that happened a week ago at work with me or what not.

He is very emotionally abussive towards me, I cant tell you how many times in one week he calls me the B word :( He flips out over the smallest things.


As far as our sex life goes, I am lucky to have it 2 times a week, I nicely brought up about how maybe we should go to the doctor to see what is up with his sex drive, as it has decreased so much over the past 2 years, he tells me I should be happy he is like that so then I don't have to worry about him looking elsewhere...wtf!!! He then went on to say there is nothing wrong with his sex drive and that he chooses to not wanna do it all the time....

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No offense, but if my bf called me the B word, told me I was stupid, and drooled over the neighbors gf... I'd wish he would find someone else to take his toxic fumes out on. And I'd gladly pack every bag he's got and toss it on the curb. Sending him off with well wishes to find the next unlucky girl.


He treats you horribly, you know this right? Would it be so terrible if he did leave for another girl? Or is it bad because you know he won't leave?

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I wouldn't even wait until he left. Bags to the curb post-haste, even better, tossed under a bus, if he can't treat you with more respect.

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He is very emotionally abussive towards me


And you are with him why exactly...?


It sounds like you two have plenty more issues than him chatting with some random girl at PT.

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