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do i tell him my feelings or just back off?

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i've been seeing this man almost 3 months now, friends with benefits, see each other couple times a week, been sexual a few times, here's my dilemna...


when i entered into this i knew what i was getting into and i was fine with that, never expected to start to develop love feelings for him although i've always liked him, i'd been celibate several years and arrangment was based on sex only and i really do not think anything more can come of it than that


now i am in conflict because i AM having more feelings for him & think about him all the time when we're apart

do i tell him i've developed more feelings or is it time for me to back off so i can quit thinking so much about him? is it really always better to reveal our feelings? cause part of me thinks if i do it will just scare him and i wont see him at all then,

if i take the back off route, how long will it take for my feelings to go down for him? what can i say to him without revealing my feelings yet at same time keep our friendship alive?


this is my first post here and i just don't know what to do, thanks to everyone who replies!!

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if you want more than friends with benifit from him , you have to tell him otherwise he will never know... you cant get over the feelings and him if you continue seeing hin and continue this relationship.


if he is into you , he will tell you so ... but the risk of loosing him is there . what you ultimately want from all this , only you know ... do so what you think is right for you :).

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