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I kicked him out now he doesnt want to come over as much

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OK so I kicked him out for various reasons.First one was,he cheated 3 weeks into seeing him,i caught him kissing another girl,then it's been one thing after another,arguement after arguement and the latest being.A recorded conversation from a so called ":friend" of his that I suspected and had an arguement with a while back and now am realising I was right about things.


So I asked him to move out,he moved into a work house,I want to try and work things out with him but I am finding some days now he is wanting his space.....we lived together for 5 months prior to this and I know I asked him to move out BUT he seems to be really enjoying it TOO MUCH?.We do spend time together yes but sometoimes I feel he is miles away,that his heart is not with me.


The weekend he spent with me but tonight he calls up and says that he might come over but if he does he does,he doesnt he doesnt...I know he won't.He lives only about a mile from me so why not come see me?I believe his heart is no longer with me.I am feeling insecure due to the fact that recently a phone conversation from him to a so called friend seemed more then just a friendship.


You ask me like most why do I stay with this guy?because I love him and want to believe that he loves me but actions speak louder then words and I am seeing he now is needing his space...so should I be feeling so insecure or am I right in feeling that he should be making an effort to see me every day considering the short distance and what he needs to make up with me.


I want to tell him to go to hell,I want to tell him I love him and want him to move back in...I was told by his sister that he has said he does not want to be moving in with me.I must be stupid,should I believe him when he tells me he loves me or should I just start making a life for myself and walk away from this guy?


I know he has hurt me but I cant let go,I want to believe he loves me,he cares about me but the not wanting to come over when I miss him so much and want to see him every day is making me think I love him so much more then he does me.


Thats my vent,I hope someone has the right answers for me here

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You know he cheated, you know you can't trust him, and he shows no signs of either becoming trustworthy or wanting to make things up to you.


I know it's hard to let go, but he is not good for you and hanging on to your attachment to him is making you feel even worse. Don't you want a man who is interested only in you? Someone whose love you can trust? Someone who makes an effort for you?


I think you know what to do, but don't want to give up hope yet. Try and work up the courage to do what you know is best for you.

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Hey.. he broke a Cardinal rule, NO KISSES (for others), so you "threw him out". After five months of shacking up that was a good decision on your part.


Now.... that he's been thrown out, he seems to be enjoying it, and that's not OK? HuH? You answered all your own questions in your post. Cut your losses and forget about this guy. He will never regain your trust.

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Why do you want him in your life? Do some reflecting, take some time to figure out what it is you actually "like" about him. He has lied, cheated on you and treated you poorly. He seems to be showing NO remorse for his actions!

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Break contact with this guy, heal your heart and move on. This guy doesn't sound like he is intrested in you and if he is not intrested in you then he is not worth the trouble.

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So he cheated on you, you kicked him out of the house and now he's moving on. What did you expect? By kicking him out -- which I applaud, by the way -- you sent a message to him that his behavior is no longer tolerable.


I don't know why you want him back. But here is this: If you didn't want to send that message, you shouldn't have kicked him out. He has to live with the consequences of his actions and you must also live with yours.

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This guy is a cheater. He probably is happy with his new found freedom and is taking full advantage of it. If I were you I would let him go and heal your heart. He doesn't sound like he is going to stop. I know you love him but like WWIU said, take time to reflect on what he has done to you. You have to love yourself more than him.

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You are complaining that he doesn't want to be where he is unwanted?


You want him there, but you don't want him?


Your a screwball. I wouldn't want to be with you either!

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You are complaining that he doesn't want to be where he is unwanted?


You want him there, but you don't want him?


Your a screwball. I wouldn't want to be with you either!


thanks DeadB...name says it all.Well I am confused as I love this guy not that I feel I need to explain to you but thats why most are here due to relationship problems right?.I am just another.,..I kicked him out but want to work things out mostly now due to my two teenagers that need to rebuild their friendship with him too so its a long healing process for all.


I am hopelessly inlove with this guy,I feel in my heart I should let him go but I cannot...he keeps begging me to stay with him and telling me how much he loves me when it gets to that final stage,he never wants to let go.


Anyhow deadb I hope lifes all rosey for you too...well maybe if it was you wouldnt be here right?Take care and thankyou to the others for their advice.

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