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Why does jealous have to mean miserable?!

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Me and my roommate were both ok upon deciding recently that we shouldn't renew the lease together. (only 4 mos left) I expressed that living with him (and his teenage kids) makes dating hard for me. Just a few weeks ago, we said we really like living together and that we want to keep doing so. We went through a phase of spending time alone together, although neither of us made a move, but I felt like we both wanted to. There were no chicks in his life for a while, and now it so happens that it's raining women again.


He picked up on my jealousy when he had a girl over the other night, although I still won't admit it for sake of making his head bigger than it already is. Now its raining chicks again, and we are not getting along the way we were during his quiet phase. He's heard me complain about no guys in my life, so I thought he'd be happy for me when I told him I found a date for a mutual friend's wedding coming up.


Instead of sharing my excitement, he says "I'M taking 3 chicks", and now all he can talk about to his buddy is all the chicks he's seeing, etc. If he knows I am jealous why does he have to push it and make me miserable? If he doesn't want me that way, which I've accepted, why can't he be happy for me when I find a date?

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I thought he'd be happy for me when I told him I found a date for a mutual friend's wedding coming up.


Instead of sharing my excitement, he says "I'M taking 3 chicks", and now all he can talk about to his buddy is all the chicks he's seeing, etc. If he knows I am jealous why does he have to push it and make me miserable? If he doesn't want me that way, which I've accepted, why can't he be happy for me when I find a date?


It sounds as though he's jealous that you have found a date for the wedding. I don't see any other reason for his behavior.

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I think you all are right, that or he thinks I'm trying to make him jealous on purpose, which I don't do. I've posted about him on LS for a couple months now..we've been friends 10 yrs and roommates for 7 months, everyone has said if he had something for me, he woulda made a move by now; I finally convinced myself they are right. Yet he's jealous?


He was basically trying to get me to admit that I was the jealous one, but I haven't done so. If we are both jealous, WTF?

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If he doesn't want me that way, which I've accepted, why can't he be happy for me when I find a date?

because he wants you to stick around to take care of his kids and cook and clean.

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Hi Alpha. One would think that, but I don't really take care of the kids because they are old enough that they take care of themselves. And I never cook unless its for myself, and it's rare for me to clean because HE does, and he makes the kids clean for everyday that they are there.

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heck, the kids even cook for themselves and have cooked for me before...

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heck, the kids even cook for themselves and have cooked for me before...

so then you just share the expenses? is that it?

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I don't like being denied things I want. If i have ato accept that I just can't have something, I would MUCH rather not have it staring me in the face, taunting me with it's unavailibility.


If I were you, I would totally not renew the lease with this guy and move on with your life !!!! I bet whether you are aware of it or not, you are being..."less open"...to other people and opportunities due to your crush on this guy !

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Thanks Melody, we have already made the decision not to renew the lease together, so its not something that I'm in the air about anymore. I just wish he didn't have to make me miserable during the time I have left there, by flaunting all the chicks in my face. It isn't possible for me to move out before the lease is up. I think he knows it drives me crazy, yet he does it anyway, and I'm stuck cuz he can do what ever he wants and I can't tell him not to have girls over, etc. And although I"ve had feelings for him through this time, its never kept me from liking other guys...I just rarely meet new men because of my crazy schedule, and cuz I work with all women and go to nursing school with all women, neither of which I can change anytime soon.


And like I said I'm excited about my date for the wedding coming up, and as my friend I thought he'd excited for me as well, but instead he has to upstage me with his 3 dates that he claims are all going to the wedding with him. Why does he have to do this.


Yes Alpha we share expenses...it's the only advantage of living together, pretty much...

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Yes Alpha we share expenses...it's the only advantage of living together, pretty much...

theres your answer LL...

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Doesn't sound like a really terrific " friend" from an outside view. Not to mention, I"ve NEVER been invited to a wedding where I was rude enough to bring THREE guests at the expense of the hosts ! Guy sounds kinda selfish to me !

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Doesn't sound like a really terrific " friend" from an outside view. Not to mention, I"ve NEVER been invited to a wedding where I was rude enough to bring THREE guests at the expense of the hosts ! Guy sounds kinda selfish to me !


Tell me about it, it's like he feels the need to present himself as the coolest and most desirable guy ever by dating 3 chicks at a time. Weather its a show for everyone or just to tick me, I don't know, but either way its just disgusting.


Up to recently we were very close and getting closer, and he was a good friend and quite sweet to me, as I was to him, but now it appears that we just hate each other, all due to our recent jealousy/roommate conflicts. He said himself that just because living together hasn't worked, we can't let it come between our friendship, but the way he's behaving right now is sure to make me move out and never want to speak to him again.

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